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Someone has made millions of dollars with a meme coin using the girl Hawk Tuah

Discover how a hilarious street response in Nashville turned into HAWEKTUAH, a meme coin that moved nearly 30 million dollars in 24 hours. Don't miss this amazing transformation from virality to wealth!...
23-06-2024 19:21

Have you come across the phrase "Hawk Tuah" in any of your casual internet or social media navigations?

If you still don't know what this is about, get comfortable because I bring you a story that will make you laugh more than once.

Imagine this: on any given night on the streets of Nashville, two girls were out partying when a curious interviewer asked them a somewhat spicy question: "What's the trick in bed that drives any man crazy?" And boom, that's when the magic happened.

With a strong Southern accent, one of the girls, now famous as "Hawk Tuah Girl," replied: "You gotta give that 'Hawk Tuah' and spit on that thing!"

Yes, just like that. And as you can imagine, the response was a bomb that blew up the internet in the most amusing way.

Now, you might be wondering what "Hawk Tuah" means? The phrase simulates the sound of spitting, adding a comedic and slightly provocative touch to a simple street conversation. This sublime moment unleashed a wave of memes and remix videos that only serve to enhance the legend of the girl in question.

You can read more about the viral girl in this article:The Hawk Tuah Girl: who is the viral girl of the moment?

But that's not all. Oh no! The joke transcended the digital world and materialized into a virtual currency: the meme coin HAWEKTUAH.

Yes, you read that right. This cryptocurrency, inspired by the famous response of our new viral star, has reached an impressive market capitalization, moving almost 30 million dollars in just 24 hours at its peak.

Don't tell me you're not amazed. Someone has become a millionaire in a matter of days using a viral video and its phrase. Don't believe me? You can check the meme coin's price at: coinmarketcap.com

The creator, an unknown person who saw the opportunity to make money from the virality of the moment, offers a project with zero taxes, burned liquidity, and a renounced contract. All this to ensure safe growth managed by the community. Can you imagine how crazy this sounds? Well, it has worked and how.

The online community wasted no time in reacting. Comments abound: "Seriously, the girl #HawkTuah single-handedly beat all the celebrity memes! ? Is that where you want to put your money?"

Another user states: "$ HAWKTUA Hey, do I have high hopes of giving this coin a week and seeing your money double at least? I invested above the current price and would like to have invested that now?"

The girl who has gone viral has also not lagged behind in making money: on Twitter, images of her have appeared (you can see them below in this article) wearing hats and clothes with her phrase, which she is selling like hotcakes.

What is certain is that this improvised response has become a global phenomenon, generating a wave of online creativity that is not seen every day. If you look closely, you'll come across memes and videos that will make you burst into laughter.

So, tell me, would you put your money in HAWEKTUAH? Let me know in the comments! And who knows? Maybe this coin will end up buying you that car you've been dreaming of. We'll be in touch!

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