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Looks naked!: the Olympic swimmer's swimsuit that's causing a stir

Arno Kamminga and his famous swimsuit at the 2024 Olympic Games!...
01-08-2024 15:58

Ah, the Olympic Games!

That glorious event where extraordinary athletes come together to compete, inspire, and... become memes.

This time, it was Arno Kamminga who shot to fame —and into the critical eye of social media— for something that had nothing to do with his athletic skills (well, at least not directly).

Imagine this: It's just another competition day at the 2024 Olympic Games. The audience holds its breath as the swimmers line up for the event of the day: the Men's 100 Meter Breaststroke! Then Arno Kamminga steps in.

Our Dutch hero made a risky fashion choice when he opted for those skin-tight flesh-colored trunks. When he emerged from the pool, that misleading garment played a trick on him and made half the world think Kamminga was more naked than dressed.

Spoiler alert: He was not naked.

You can almost hear the entire internet shouting "IS THIS LEGAL?", while someone was already writing "I'm definitely watching for the sport" on X (yes, I mean what was formerly known as Twitter).

Arno Kamminga finished in second place in his race. Meanwhile, the virtual crowds continue to comment on his revealing swimsuit.

But wait... there's more drama! Before the viral plunge, he publicly criticized WADA for its lax handling of a case where twenty-three Chinese swimmers tested positive for banned substances.

A man of high principles…

Revolutionary Olympic Fashion or Media Disaster?

The Dutch authorities clearly thought: “Let’s make this orange swimsuit as close to skin tone as we can.”

Of course, no one will forget that strikingly creative visual image, nor his incredibly sensual body.

Well... maybe I went a bit too far there, but I hope you get enough laughter too ??

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