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Zodiac signs ranked from happily single to sexually frustrated

Discover the secrets of the sexuality of each zodiac sign and dare to explore your desires and fantasies with our revealing descriptions!...
Author: Alegsa

  1. Maria's case: From perfectionist Virgo to indecisive Libra
  2. Zodiac: Sagittarius
  3. Zodiac: Libra
  4. Zodiac: Aquarius
  5. Zodiac: Cancer
  6. Zodiac: Scorpio
  7. Zodiac: Gemini
  8. Zodiac: Leo
  9. Zodiac: Virgo
  10. Zodiac: Pisces
  11. Zodiac: Aries
  12. Zodiac: Capricorn
  13. Zodiac: Taurus

Have you ever wondered how your zodiac sign influences your love and sex life? If so, you're in the right place.

 In this article, we'll explore how each zodiac sign behaves in the realm of relationships, from those who enjoy singleness to those who yearn for a more fulfilling sex life.

 Whether you're looking for tips to improve your love life or simply want to better understand the dynamics of relationships, this article will provide you with unique insights based on my extensive experience in the field of astrology and psychology. Get ready to discover the secrets behind the zodiac signs and how they can affect your happiness in love and sexual satisfaction.

Maria's case: From perfectionist Virgo to indecisive Libra

 Maria was a 35-year-old woman who came to me for guidance about her love life.

 As a perfectionist Virgo, she had always been very demanding of herself and others. Her desire to find an ideal partner led her to set very high standards and rule out anyone who did not meet her expectations.

 In one of our first sessions, Maria shared with me her most significant love story.

 A few years ago, she met a wonderful man who seemed to fit her criteria perfectly.

 However, as the relationship progressed, Maria began to feel increasingly insecure and doubtful.

 Her fear of commitment and her need for perfection led her to constantly question whether her partner was really the one.

 She would spend hours analyzing every detail of their relationship and looking for signs that something wasn't right.

 This obsessive attitude led her to make rash decisions and end the relationship, convinced that she could find someone better.

 Over time, Maria realized that her perfectionistic approach was not bringing her the happiness she longed for.

 We decided to explore her personality and astrological characteristics further, and discovered that her ascendant was Libra.

 As a Libra, Maria had a strong need for balance and harmony in her relationships.

 Through our therapy, Maria began to understand that her obsessive focus and need for perfection were actually a manifestation of her fear of commitment and the possibility of being hurt emotionally.

 She learned to accept that no relationship is perfect and that it is normal to have doubts and moments of uncertainty.

 Over time, Maria managed to find a balance between her perfectionist Virgo side and her indecisive Libra ascendant.

 She learned to trust her intuition and make decisions based on self-love and personal happiness, rather than constantly seeking perfection.

 Today, Mary is still single, but she has learned to enjoy her own company and to value the relationships she has with friends and family.

 She is open to the possibility of finding love, but no longer feels the pressure to find someone who meets all of her criteria.

 This story of Mary shows us how our astrological characteristics can influence our relationships and how self-knowledge and acceptance are fundamental to finding happiness in love.

Zodiac: Sagittarius

 You are a sign that is characterized by being very passionate and daring in the sexual sphere.

 Your sexual desire is always at its peak and you have an open mind to discover new experiences.

 You enjoy being with yourself and know how to please yourself in a satisfying way.

 However, you also appreciate the intimate connection with another person and revel in the excitement and enigma that comes with it.

Zodiac: Libra

 Although the sexual aspect is relevant to you, you have currently turned your attention to other priority areas.

 Your mind is occupied with achieving your individual goals and objectives.

 Although you enjoy the intimacy and companionship of another person, you are not discouraged by being single.

 You are fully aware that love will come at the right time, and in the meantime, you focus on your personal growth.

Zodiac: Aquarius

 In your past, you have experienced situations in which you have felt exploited and unappreciated in the sexual realm.

 Therefore, you are determined to focus on yourself and avoid falling into harmful relationships.

 You are proud that you have resisted the temptation to seek companionship alone for fear of loneliness.

 You are dedicated to working on your personal development and know that when the right person comes along, you will be able to enjoy a genuine connection.

Zodiac: Cancer

 You are not very concerned about sex, but you long for a deep romantic connection.

 Your desire is to find someone who understands you and makes you feel loved.

 You are exhausted from waiting and want to start a lasting and happy relationship.

 Emotional closeness is your top priority and you are willing to wait for the right person.

Zodiac: Scorpio

 Your sign is characterized by being passionate and enjoying sex in all its variants.

 You are not afraid to get involved in casual encounters or relationships without commitment.

 You always find a way to satisfy your sexual desires and are not quickly disappointed in that regard.

 You are aware that when you want to have sex, you can seek it out and enjoy moments of fun and pleasure.

Zodiac: Gemini

 You pretend not to experience sexual frustration, although in reality you are curious and long to try more things.

 You enjoy hearing the intimate details of your friends' experiences and vicariously immerse yourself in them.

 You are fond of exploring new perspectives and are willing to venture into uncharted territory in the sexual realm.

 It keeps you enthusiastic and you are always on the lookout for new experiences.

Zodiac: Leo

 Right now, you are enjoying your bachelorhood to the fullest.

 You are a real seducer and although you wouldn't sleep with everyone you flirt with, you have fun imagining it.

 Plus, you love it when someone flirts with you again, as it feeds your self-esteem and makes you feel attractive.

Zodiac: Virgo

 The issue lies in your desire to experience intimate encounters, but you are not motivated by the idea of sex without commitment.

 You long for something more transcendental and meaningful.

 You identify as sapiosexual, as you require establishing an intellectual connection with someone before you would consider entering into an intimate relationship with that person.

 You are not attracted to foolish individuals in the least.

Zodiac: Pisces

 Every time someone comes in contact with you, even with a gentle touch on your shoulder, your energy is awakened.

 Recently you have been easily carried away by love for people, as you have a great need for affection.

 The pleasure of sex would be extraordinary, but so would receiving a soothing massage, a warm embrace or simply intertwining your hands with someone else's.

Zodiac: Aries

 You are aware that your happiness does not depend on being in a relationship, as you feel fully satisfied with your career, your friends and yourself.

 However, when you meet someone attractive, the first thing that comes to your mind is to imagine what it would be like without clothes.

 You can't remember the last time you kissed someone and this situation is having an impact on you.

 Your heart doesn't need anyone, but your body craves closeness and intimacy.

Zodiac: Capricorn

 At this time, you are not interested in establishing a romantic connection.

 You simply long for intimate experiences without any future obligation.

 You are looking for a person with whom to share passionate moments, with no intention of continuing to see him or her at a later date.

 You are even willing to take the initiative and lead someone in that direction if necessary.

Zodiac: Taurus

 You have entered a prolonged period of scarcity that has begun to affect your judgment.

 You've been sending messages to individuals who usually wouldn't get your attention in the slightest.

 You've even gone to the extreme of messaging (or sexting) your former partner.

 The situation has reached a critical tipping point.

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Aquarius Aries Cancer Capricorn Gemini Leo Libra Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio Taurus Virgo


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I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

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