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Do you know the happiest and the saddest animal in the world?

Get to know two unique animal species: the quokka, the happiest animal in the world, and the vizcacha, which appears to always be sad....
14-06-2024 10:39

  1. The Quokka: the King of Smiles
  2. The Vizcacha: the mysterious melancholic
  3. What do these two teach us?

Let's start this fun journey through the animal world!

Today we have a couple of characters with smiles and grimaces: the quokka and the vizcacha. These two little animals teach us that appearances can be quite deceiving. Who doesn't want to know a little more about these peculiar faces?

The Quokka: the King of Smiles

Let's see, turn off the lights and pay attention. Here comes our protagonist: the quokka. This little Australian marsupial, native to Rottnest Island, is known worldwide for its eternal smile! If you take a look at it, it seems like it has won the lottery every minute of the day.

But, what makes the quokka look so happy? It turns out that this smiling face is due to its facial structure. Quokkas have a mouth and eyes in such a way that, no matter what is going on in their minds, they always seem to be enjoying the best joke of the century.

Biologically, these furry creatures belong to the genus Setonix. They are herbivores and love nibbling on leaves, stems, and barks. Their stomachs take care of breaking down all of that thanks to a long-term digestion process.

Nothing like a good high-fiber diet to keep a big smile!

Meanwhile, you can schedule to read: How celebrities would look like if they were Disney characters

The Vizcacha: the mysterious melancholic

Now let's go to South America to meet the vizcacha. If the quokka is the king of smiles, the vizcacha seems to carry the weight of the world on its shoulders.

With those sad eyes and downturned mouth, this rodent looks as if it is going over all the sorrows in a soap opera.

Vizcachas are large relatives of guinea pigs and are divided into two major groups: the mountain vizcacha and the plains vizcacha. At first glance, you might think they are a cross between a rabbit and a marmot.

They may look depressed, but they are quite social and love community life. Don't be fooled by their long ears and droopy eyes, when they are in a group you can see genuine moments of joy.

In terms of biology, those from the mountains belong to the genus Lagidium and often climb rocky mountains. On the other hand, those from the plains, of the genus Lagostomus, are flatter. Whether plant or root, these rodents eat whatever they find and digest it with an efficient digestive system.

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What do these two teach us?

Imagine a meeting between a quokka and a vizcacha. The quokka would be smiling and jumping, while the vizcacha would look at it with its sorrowful eyes.

What an interesting scene! But here's the trick: both are living their best lives according to their natural conditions.

So, what did we learn today? That we can't judge a book by its cover, nor an animal by its face. The next time you feel down, think of the vizcacha, and if you're laughing at a fall, there's the quokka to inspire you!

Now, tell me, what animals would you like to meet next time? Have you ever felt like a quokka or a vizcacha? Leave me your comments!



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