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Survival in Avalanches: How Long Can a Human Endure in the Snow?

Discover how long a human can survive under a snow avalanche. A mountaineer in Bariloche survived 'by a miracle'. Learn about the science behind it!...
05-09-2024 15:51

  1. An Unexpected Avalanche on Cerro López
  2. Survival Cases: Stories that Inspire

An Unexpected Avalanche on Cerro López

Imagine yourself on Cerro López, enjoying the snow, when suddenly the ground cracks and the mountain throws you into an unexpected “trip” under the snow.

That happened to Augusto Gruttadauria, a mountaineer from Córdoba (Argentina). During a backcountry skiing day, he found himself trapped in an avalanche. Luck was on his side, as he was rescued after 10 hours under the snow.

Miracle or pure adrenaline? Science has something to say about this.

When an avalanche occurs, the snow behaves like a bulldozer. It can cause multiple traumas when hitting against rocks or trees. According to Nahuel Campitelli, the head of the rescue team, Augusto was “completely covered,” but he managed to pull out an arm.

This, my friends, was crucial. If he had been completely buried, the chances of survival would have drastically decreased.

Did you know that after 15 or 20 minutes under the snow, the probability of surviving drops to 5%? What pressure!

The avalanche can not only suffocate you but can also lead you to hypothermia. When your body temperature drops below 35 degrees, your body enters “survival mode,” and that can be both good and bad.

If the cold prolongs your life, it can also cause your body to shut down like an old computer.

The key, according to experts, is to move. Moving your arms as if you were swimming can help you create an air pocket. Instinctively, you might think you are in a swimming competition in the snow!

Survival Cases: Stories that Inspire

The story of Augusto is not the only one that reminds us that the impossible can happen. Do you remember Fernando "Nando" Parrado? He survived a plane crash in the Andes in 1972 and, despite being in a coma and declared dead, he persevered.

His experience became a fascinating study in neuroscience. The fractures in his skull allowed him to survive brain swelling. Incredible! Nature sometimes works in our favor, even under the most extreme conditions.

So, what can we learn from this? Life has strange ways of testing our resilience, and sometimes, extreme cold can be our best ally. What a paradox!

If you find yourself in a similar situation, here are some tips from experts. First, stay calm. Yes, I know! It's easier said than done.

Then, move your arms to create an air space. If you have an avalanche backpack, use it. These backpacks act like airbags and can increase your chances of floating in the snow. Remember that if you manage to get to the surface, shout and make noise.

Let the rescuers hear you!

Finally, be prepared. Make sure you are equipped to face the cold. Wear appropriate clothing and gear that will help you survive in case of an accident.

The mountain is beautiful, but it can also be treacherous.

So, the next time you face the vastness of nature, remember: preparation and instinct can be your best friends!

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