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Did you know that cats hate closed doors? Discover why

Discover why cats dislike closed doors. Experts reveal how curiosity and the instinct to dominate affect their behavior....
04-09-2024 12:28

  1. Why Do Cats Hate Closed Doors?
  2. Territory and control: two delicate topics
  3. The stress of restrictions
  4. Creative Solutions for Curious Cats

Why Do Cats Hate Closed Doors?

Cats are fascinating creatures and, let's be honest, a little strange sometimes. Have you ever seen your cat battling a closed door as if it were a mortal enemy?

It's an Oscar-worthy spectacle! This behavior can baffle many owners, but it actually has deep roots in their natural instinct.

According to Live Science, cats have an insatiable curiosity and a desire to control their environment. Karen Sueda, a veterinary behaviorist, explains it clearly: "Cats are curious and fear missing out on something."

So, if you've ever wondered why your cat clings to the door as if it were its best friend, here’s the answer.

Look at the friendship that this cat and this mouse formed

Territory and control: two delicate topics

Cats are territorial by nature. For them, the home is their kingdom, and they want to patrol it like true kings. Ingrid Johnson, a feline behavior consultant, emphasizes that cats like to control access to their spaces.

The next time your cat tries to open a closed door with those adorable little paws, remember that it is trying to claim its territory.

And here comes the interesting part: cats not only want to be in control, they also want to know what is happening behind that door. Jane Ehrlich, a feline behavior specialist, mentions that closed doors confront them with a lack of choice and control.

Can you imagine the frustration of a cat wanting to know what is behind the door but can't? It's like a mystery thriller, but with less suspense and more meowing.

A study reveals where cats go when they escape

The stress of restrictions

Maintaining certain areas blocked can be a real feast of stress for our feline friends. Live Science advises being consistent with the areas they can access. If you decide that you don't want your cat to enter the dining room, make it a rule!

It's not fair to open the door only when you want your cat to be with you. This can cause them anxiety and, honestly, we don't want our cats to be stressed, do we?

Additionally, a 2017 study published in Behavioural Processes found that most cats prefer spending time with their owners than with toys or food.

Now that's love! So if your cat is meowing at the door, they might just want your company.

Are you having problems with your cat? Use our online veterinarian to resolve your doubts.

Creative Solutions for Curious Cats

Entonces, ¿qué hacer con esa puerta cerrada que parece ser la gran enemiga? Una opción es instalar una puerta gatera. De esa forma, tu gato puede entrar y salir a su antojo. También puedes ofrecerle entretenimiento para mantenerlo ocupado, como ventanas con vistas.

Cats love to watch the outside world, and let's be honest, it's an excellent way to keep them distracted.

If your cat has learned to open doors, consider installing security locks. The last thing we want is for them to embark on a dangerous adventure around the house. Remember that your decisions can affect their emotional well-being.

In summary, cats are territorial, curious, and seek control over their environment. Closed doors represent a challenge to their natural instincts. Understanding these behaviors and creating a more friendly environment can significantly improve your relationship with your feline.

So, let's open those doors! But let's not forget to give them a little space to feel like the kings they are.

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