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Why Does Time Fly as We Age? Discover the Science Behind It

Discover why years fly by as we age: psychology and neuroscience reveal how metabolism, routine, and experiences influence our perception of time....
03-09-2024 20:28

  1. Time and the Infant's Perspective
  2. The Proportional Theory: A Clock That Accelerates?
  3. Routines and Memories: Life on Autopilot
  4. The Enigma of Time: Science and Subjectivity

Time and the Infant's Perspective

Since we are little, time feels like a generous friend. Each day shines with new adventures: learning to ride a bike, the first day of school, or discovering a new game. Each experience feels like an eternity.

Do you remember that excitement of waiting for your birthday? For a 10-year-old, a year is nothing less than 10% of their life, a significant piece of the pie. But what happens when we reach 50?

That same year becomes a mere 2%. What a difference! Life feels like a train that speeds up quickly as we hop on board.

The Proportional Theory: A Clock That Accelerates?

Paul Janet, a 19th-century French philosopher, proposed an idea that has captured the attention of many: the proportional theory of time. This concept suggests that as we age, each year feels like a smaller fraction of our total life.

It's as if time refuses to be our ally! Isn't it a bit frustrating to think that time slips through our fingers like sand?

But, calm down, not everything is so gloomy. There are also other theories that help us understand why we feel that time is speeding up.

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Routines and Memories: Life on Autopilot

As we move into adulthood, our lives tend to become a series of routines. We wake up, go to work, return home, have dinner, and, poof!, the day is over.

Psychologist Cindy Lustig mentions that this repetitiveness causes our brain to group similar days into a single memory. It's as if time hides behind monotony!

How many days of your life are so similar that you could confuse them? The lack of new experiences makes time seem to fly by. The next time you feel the day slipping away, ask yourself: how many new things have I done today?

The Enigma of Time: Science and Subjectivity

The science has also weighed in on this recipe of time. Adrian Bejan, from Duke University, argues that as we age, our ability to process new information decreases.

What a surprise! A young brain captures every detail like a sponge, while an older one feels more like a dusty old book. Moreover, modern physics, with Einstein's theory of relativity, reminds us that time is not a rigid concept.

It's more like a piece of gum that stretches and shrinks according to our circumstances!

So, the next time you feel like time is racing by, remember that it is influenced by your experiences, your routine, and even your body temperature. The perception of time is a fascinating phenomenon that envelops us in an embrace between psychology, neuroscience, and physics.

Isn't it incredible that a simple concept like time has so many layers? Life is a journey, and every second counts! Are you ready to make every moment count a little more?

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