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Why being always busy harms your well-being

Discover in this article the importance of pausing in a fast-paced world. Learn why stopping is essential for your well-being....
Author: Alegsa

  1. The trap of constant busyness
  2. Don't overdo it with tasks
  3. The pride of always being busy

In a constantly moving world, where the noise of everyday life seems never to cease, the culture of "always being busy" has deeply rooted itself in our society.

This whirlwind of activities, commitments, and responsibilities can make us feel like we are living life to the fullest, but at what cost? The pressure to constantly stay active can lead us to ignore the signals from our body and mind, urging us to reflect on the true essence of our happiness and well-being.

The trap of constant busyness

In my practice, I have observed a concerning trend: the glorification of always being busy. I vividly remember a patient, whom I'll call Daniel, whose story perfectly illustrates this phenomenon. Daniel was a successful professional, with a thriving career and an active social life. However, behind his packed schedule and constant achievements, hid a less shiny reality.

During our sessions, Daniel shared how his need to always stay busy had led him to a state of chronic exhaustion. His schedule was so full that he barely had time to reflect on his own feelings or truly enjoy the simplest aspects of life.

"It's like I'm on autopilot," he confessed at one point. And therein lay the crux of the matter: Daniel was so focused on doing more and being more, that he had lost connection with himself and with what truly gave meaning to his life.

From a psychological perspective, this pattern is alarmingly common and dangerous. Being constantly busy not only diminishes our ability to enjoy the present moment, but it can also lead us to ignore important signals from our body and mind indicating fatigue or stress. This can trigger serious problems such as anxiety, depression, and even physical illnesses.

Through therapeutic work with Daniel, we began to identify areas where he could reduce unnecessary commitments and dedicate time to activities that truly provided him with personal satisfaction and mental rest. Gradually, he learned to value moments of stillness as much as his professional achievements.

His story serves as a powerful reminder for all of us about the importance of balancing our time between obligations and self-care. Living in a constant state of busyness not only harms our well-being; it also deprives us of the pleasure of fully living each moment.

So I invite you to reflect: Are you truly living your life or simply surviving amidst an endless list of tasks? Let's remember that being less busy may be exactly what we need to deeply connect with ourselves and improve our quality of life.

Don't overdo it with tasks

In our days, it seems like we are competing in a tournament where the prize is who has the biggest ego.

Everyone is trying to prove how much they have on their shoulders.

Who has more tasks to do? Who lives in a constant whirlwind? Who carries more worries? Feeling victorious gives us a sense of importance.

Nevertheless, winning this competition is similar to triumphing in an extreme eating challenge: you consume a huge amount of food in record time and simultaneously feel proud and sick.

Let me ask you a question: Do you remember the last time you described yourself or heard someone say "busy, but fine" when asked how they are? This response seems to grant us greater significance and interest than a simple "I'm fine," and I admit I have also fallen into that pattern.

Over time, this has become a habit.

The whirlwind between work and personal life labels you as someone constantly busy.

If you share your burdens with a friend, you will probably receive their understanding.

Initially, the situation can be overwhelming, and you dream of escaping to a commitment-free tranquility.

However, we possess a great capacity to adapt; under pressure, our spirit strengthens to become almost indestructible through sheer efficiency.

Despite the daily turmoil, you manage to fulfill your obligations with only a few signs of the passage of time - a few gray hairs here and there.

Congratulations! You experience both relief and personal satisfaction.

And then what?

When the demands finally decrease, you can briefly enjoy the aforementioned calm. But that tranquil feeling is fleeting.

You are different now.

After overcoming so many challenges during those intensive periods, you feel like something is missing when everything calms down.

If you ask an acquaintance how they are and they respond "Busy, but fine," you might start to wonder if you should be taking on new responsibilities, mistakenly believing that your worth depends on how busy you are. Thus, you begin the endless cycle again.

Although this pace may seem stressful, there is something inside you convinced of its significance.

The pride of always being busy

It's alarming to see how we have immersed ourselves in a cycle where our days are filled with activities.

Should we feel proud of having such a busy schedule that we can barely dedicate significant moments to loved ones? If our focus is solely on obligations, forgetting our true passions, is that feeling of importance worth it? We are often advised to accept all job offers that come our way.

But this advice only works for those blessed with unlimited time to invest in each project.

For us, it is crucial to know what we wish to achieve first.

Not all opportunities deserve our attention. Sometimes, it is necessary to reject the good to make room for the excellent.

In these periods of confinement, it would be ideal to take a pause to reflect on what we truly value and organize our priorities.
If you have not yet taken a moment for introspection and defining your aspirations, I encourage you to do so.

Dedicate at least 30 minutes to meditate on your desires and life goals.

Review your to-do list afterwards.

How many tasks are truly bringing you closer to your dreams? And how many are simply filling your time without offering any benefits?
It is crucial to question the reason behind our overwhelming workload.

Are we doing it out of economic necessity? Out of fear of losing professional relevance if we say "no"? Are we seeking recognition or escaping the fact of not knowing our true purpose, leading to discontent?

Let's be honest with ourselves right now.

Examine our daily activities and distinguish which ones truly contribute to our ideals and which ones simply drain our precious time without adding any value.

By refusing to engage in insignificant tasks or ones that are far from our personal interests, we will free up more time for what genuinely matters to us.

Time is invaluable and irreplaceable; it is one of the most precious resources we have.

Let's make the most of every moment.

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