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Discover how to free yourself with self-help

"Do you feel like you're unintentionally stopping? Are you waiting for something that never arrives? Discover reflections that will transform your perspective."...
23-04-2024 15:57

  1. Without realizing it, we put up emotional barriers
  2. An experience that will serve you

In my career as a psychologist, I have witnessed incredible transformations. But there is one story that stands out and echoes the power of self-help.

Without realizing it, we put up emotional barriers

It's amazing how, without realizing it, we put up barriers.
We desire to achieve lofty goals and passionately follow what our hearts dictate. The clarity of what we want is right there, waiting for us to grasp it decisively.

However, we pause. We shrink back and wait patiently.

We seek the perfect moment.

We long for a push from someone else, forgetting that we are the ones at the top ready to move forward.

The reality is that no matter how much we ponder the mystery of the unknown, nothing will budge until we decide to act ourselves.

Let's leap.

It all depends solely on our will.
Do you feel like trying something new? Go ahead.
Do you want to become someone? Transform yourself.
Do you wish to take action? Do it.

I understand perfectly well; this concept may sound simple but putting it into practice is another story.

I have spent a lot of time waiting for an external sign to validate my thoughts, dreams, and creative ideas.

I have wanted to hear others tell me that I am enough just as I am, regardless of whether I am right or wrong.

But even after receiving positive affirmations several times, everything remained the same.

I am aware that no one will miraculously emerge to complete me or help me express myself freely without fear.

Self-validation rests upon myself.

I have delved into motivational phrases and inspiring texts searching for those answers capable of freeing me from the self-imposed mental confinement to which I have subjected myself.

I won't simply tell you "you are enough," because that won't automatically change your perspective.

Instead, I say: stop this constant search for external validation and expecting to be deemed worthy by others; it simply doesn't work that way.

Until you yourself decide to believe you are deserving and complete, you will remain trapped in your own mental limitations.

Break those bonds and move forward.

An experience that will serve you

In my career as a psychologist, I have witnessed incredible transformations. But there is one story that stands out and echoes the power of self-help.

I met Elena at a motivational talk I gave about the potential of self-help to overcome personal obstacles. She was going through a tough time after losing her job and facing a breakup almost simultaneously. Hopelessness was reflected in her eyes.

During our conversation after the talk, I recommended her a book specialized in self-esteem and emotional recovery, emphasizing that the first step towards healing is believing in oneself and in the ability to move forward. Elena seemed skeptical but accepted the challenge.

Months later, I received a letter from her. In her lines, she narrated how that book had become her guiding light during the dark moments. Not only did she read it, but she applied every suggested exercise, dedicating time to reflect on her deepest thoughts and emotions.

Elena started practicing daily gratitude, set small achievable goals that gradually rebuilt her confidence, and began meditating to find inner peace. The most striking was how she transformed her personal narrative; she stopped seeing herself as a victim of circumstances and started considering herself as the protagonist of her own recovery.

Her letter ended with a phrase that still resonates deeply with me: "I discovered I held the keys to my prison all this time."

Elena not only found a new job more aligned with her passions but also learned to enjoy her singleness, seeing it as an opportunity to reconnect with herself and not as a state of lack.

This experience reaffirmed something crucial to me: we all have the innate power within us to set ourselves free. Self-help is not just about reading a book or listening to a podcast; it's about activating that power through conscious and consistent actions towards personal well-being.

Elena teaches us that regardless of where we are, we can always take control and change our course. And remember, although the journey to self-liberation is individual, you don't have to do it alone. Seek guides, books, and inspirations but never underestimate your ability to be your own savior.

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I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

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