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Discover Traniela: the first transgender pilot in Latin America

Traniela Campolieto: flying high and breaking barriers and prejudices: the first transgender pilot in Latin America....
18-06-2024 13:38

  1. A day to remember
  2. The difficult road of identity
  3. Aviation, her first love

Traniela Carle Campolieto not only defies gravity when piloting an airplane, but also when breaking barriers in the sky of inclusion. Since May 2023, this 48-year-old Argentine aviator has left an indelible mark on the history of national and international aviation.

Traniela became the first transgender captain to command an airplane in Argentina and, to add more glory to her flight, she is also the first to cross the Atlantic Ocean as part of an Aerolíneas Argentinas flight.

Is there anything she can't do?

A day to remember

Imagine being in the cockpit of an Airbus A330-200, with your heart beating a mile a minute, knowing you are making history. Traniela not only imagined this moment; she lived it.

"I will remember this day forever. Thanks to everyone who made this possible," she wrote excitedly alongside the crew in a post that went viral. Her words echoed like a message of inclusion and bravery.

And since then, her life has been like a constant flight, gaining followers and support on Instagram and TikTok.

The difficult road of identity

Traniela has traveled a path full of turbulence before taking off towards her truth.

It was in a park in New York, sitting and reflecting, when she decided it was time to embrace her feminine identity.

She went from being a military pilot to becoming the first transgender pilot in the country and South America. Making her first international flight to Miami as a transgender pilot, she not only fulfilled a dream, but also became a symbol of pride and courage.

Can you imagine making such a big decision and then having the courage to bring it to the world?

But Traniela doesn't fly alone. She is married to her "co-pilot" in life, her lifelong wife. Together they have three daughters, who have accepted Traniela's new gender identity with love and understanding.

Here is a lesson: acceptance starts at home. Traniela's family is a clear example that love truly knows no boundaries.

Aviation, her first love

25 years ago, Traniela embarked on her journey in aviation, becoming an international captain 12 years ago. However, May 24, 2023 marked a before and after in her life.

It was the first time she flew with her true identity, practicing the profession she loves. This groundbreaking step was filled with support and recognition.

A comment highlighted: "You represent us much more than you can imagine. This is your dream come true." She was even thanked for her example and courage in opening doors for more people to be free, both in the air and in life.

Traniela sees herself not only as a pilot but also as an agent of change. "It is an immense pride for me to be part of the struggle to have a society that is increasingly inclusive, diverse, and tolerant," she commented.

Her story is a beacon of hope for many, demonstrating that dreams, although they may sometimes seem impossible, only need wings to fly.

What do you think when you read about Traniela's journey? What barriers have you broken in your life? Or which ones would you like to break? Traniela's story shows us that, no matter the turbulence we face, we can rise, find our truth, and fly towards a more inclusive sky full of opportunities.

If you have ever dreamed of something big, think of Traniela and remember: the sky is not the limit, it is just the beginning.

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