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A proper diet to improve your bones, prevent osteoporosis and fractures

Discover how a proper diet can slow down bone loss and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures as you age. Take care of your health!...
31-07-2024 21:08

  1. Aging and Bone Health: What is Happening?
  2. Nutrition: The Key to Strong Bones
  3. The Importance of Vitamin D
  4. Proteins and More: Nourishing Our Bones
  5. Conclusion: Let's Take Care of Our Bones!

Aging and Bone Health: What is Happening?

Hello, friends! Let's talk about a topic that isn't as fun as a cat's birthday party, but is just as important: the health of our bones as we age.

Did you know that as we get older, our bodies break down more bone than they form?

That's right, our bones are taking permanent vacations! This can lead to osteoporosis, a problem that turns our bones into something as fragile as a glass cookie.

Imagine that a broken bone could mean a prolonged hospital stay, disability, or, in the worst-case scenario, death.

What a way to ruin a party! But not all is lost. The good news is that there are ways to slow down this process and keep ourselves healthy. Ready to learn how?

Recent discoveries allow for better treatments for osteoporosis.

Nutrition: The Key to Strong Bones

The ideal stage for building strong bones is during adolescence. But what to do if we've already passed that stage? Don't worry! There are nutrients we can incorporate into our diet to keep our bones in shape. According to experts, calcium is essential.

Professor Sue Shapses warns us that if we do not get enough calcium from food (how to obtain calcium through food), our body robs it from our own bones.

Now that's armed robbery!

Women need 1000 mg of calcium per day between the ages of 19 and 50, and 1200 mg after 51. For men, the figure is similar, although slightly lower until the age of 70.

But here comes the million-dollar question: is it better to obtain calcium from diet or from supplements?

The answer is clear: from the diet! Products like yogurt and milk are excellent sources. So enjoy those yogurt smoothies!

The Importance of Vitamin D

Now let's talk about a star player: vitamin D. This vitamin helps our body absorb calcium.

But, pay attention, because as we age, our skin becomes lazier and does not produce enough vitamin D when we are exposed to the sun. Come on, skin, a little energy!

So how can we get more vitamin D?

Foods like salmon, mushrooms, and eggs are allies. Although, let's be honest, many times it's complicated to reach the necessary amount just through food. For those aged 1 to 70, 600 IU per day is recommended, and 800 IU after 70.

And here's the recommendation: talk to your doctor before rushing to buy supplements!

How to get vitamin D

Proteins and More: Nourishing Our Bones

Proteins are also essential. That's right! Protein is part of our bones, and maintaining a good level of intake helps keep them strong. A study in Australia showed that those who consumed more dairy over two years had 33% fewer fractures.

That's a good reason to throw the ice cream out the window and fill it with yogurt!

Additionally, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, like the Mediterranean one, can be a great ally for bone health. Increasing the variety of foods is key.

Who would have thought that prunes or blueberries could be our best friends in this battle against osteoporosis?

Conclusion: Let's Take Care of Our Bones!

In short, aging can be a complicated process, but it doesn't have to be a Greek tragedy. With a proper diet and a little exercise, we can slow down bone loss and stay fit.

I suggest you read: foods that accelerate cellular aging in women.

So, how about we start making changes to our diet today?

Our bones will thank us! And who knows, maybe one day we can celebrate our cat's birthday with strong and healthy bones.

Let's stay healthy and enjoy life!

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