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Revolutionary advance: Early diagnosis of memory loss in older people

Researchers from Mayo Clinic have discovered a breakthrough regarding memory loss in older adults, affecting the limbic system. Exclusive details in Infobae....
25-07-2024 16:28

  1. A step towards diagnosis: Amnesic Neurodegenerative Syndrome
  2. What is behind the new criteria?
  3. The mysterious protein: who is TDP-43?
  4. The future of treatments

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A step towards diagnosis: Amnesic Neurodegenerative Syndrome

Researchers at Mayo Clinic have shed light on a dark corner of the brain. This concerns a memory loss syndrome that affects the limbic system in older adults.

Previously, it could only be confirmed after the inevitable "journey to the beyond" of the patient, but thanks to new criteria, doctors can now diagnose it while the patient is still alive.
A breakthrough worthy of celebration!

This syndrome, known as LANS (an acronym for Limbic Predominant Amnesic Neurodegenerative Syndrome), is like the distant cousin of Alzheimer's disease.

Both can cause confusion, but the good news is that LANS progresses more slowly and has a more favorable prognosis. Isn't it great that doctors can now provide clearer answers to their patients?

What is behind the new criteria?

The criteria were published in the journal Brain Communications and were developed from data from over 200 participants in various studies. Factors such as age, severity of memory impairment, and certain "traces" in brain scans are taken into account.

Thus, Dr. David T. Jones, one of the key figures in this story, points out that it is now possible to identify those patients whose memory symptoms may not be related to Alzheimer’s disease.

"Historically, seeing an 80-year-old grandparent with memory problems immediately led to thinking about Alzheimer’s. But with this study, we are opening the door to a more specific diagnosis," explains Dr. Jones.

Applause for science, please!

The mysterious protein: who is TDP-43?

In the search for answers, researchers came across a protein called TDP-43. This protein, which can accumulate in the limbic system, has been associated with the new memory loss syndrome. Although there is still much to investigate, these findings are promising.

Can you imagine being able to identify the cause of your forgetfulness with a simple analysis?

Ph.D. Nick Corriveau-Lecavalier also participated in this search and emphasizes that, although the symptoms of LANS may resemble those of Alzheimer's, its progression is very different. While Alzheimer's can affect various cognitive areas, LANS is usually limited to memory.

One more reason to smile!

The future of treatments

With these new criteria, doctors will have more precise tools to diagnose LANS, opening the door to more personalized treatments. This could include medications to reduce amyloid deposits, clinical trials, and counseling about prognosis. So, if you know someone who is dealing with memory problems, don't hesitate to share this information!

In summary, the advancement in the diagnosis of LANS is not only a medical achievement but a renewed hope for many older adults.

Who knows? Maybe the next time you forget where you left your keys, it will just be a small "slip" and not a sign of something more serious. Let's keep learning and taking care of our memories!

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