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12 years since the kidnapping of a journalist in Syria

12 years since the kidnapping of journalist Austin Tice in Syria. The U.S. demands his release after he was captured on August 14, 2012, in Damascus....
14-08-2024 14:00

  1. A Cry from Damascus
  2. A journalist with a mission
  3. The fight for Tice's freedom
  4. Hope remains alive

A Cry from Damascus

Austin Tice, a brave independent journalist, disappeared on August 14, 2012, in Damascus, Syria. In his search for the truth about the civil war, he encountered an uncertain fate.

Can you imagine the courage of a 31-year-old young man who decides to leave his home in Texas to portray the suffering of a people?

That day, at a checkpoint, he vanished. Since that moment, only a brief 43-second video hinted that he might be alive, but uncertainty took hold of his family, friends, and colleagues.

A journalist with a mission

Austin was not just an ordinary reporter. From a young age, he displayed an overflowing passion for journalism. At just 16 years old, he began his academic journey at the University of Houston and graduated from Georgetown in 2002.

Enlisting in the Marine Corps was just the beginning of his desire to serve.

After experiencing the horrors of Iraq and Afghanistan, he decided that his next calling would be in Syria. He worked with major media outlets like CBS and The Washington Post, seeking to bring the voices of Syrians to the world.

Isn't that what we all want, to hear the stories of those who face adversity?

The fight for Tice's freedom

Now, on the tenth anniversary of his disappearance, President Biden has made it clear that he will not give up. He stated that Tice is in the custody of the Syrian regime, which has prompted U.S. authorities to redouble their efforts for his release.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has also emphasized that the U.S. commitment to Tice's release is firm.

In 2018, a reward of one million dollars was offered for information that helps bring him back.

Why is his return so important? Because every journalist represented in Tice symbolizes the fight for press freedom in the world.

Hope remains alive

The recent releases of detained journalists in Russia provide a glimmer of hope. The journalistic community, like the Washington Post, applauds these advances but reminds us that Tice's case remains an open wound.

Press freedom is essential in a democracy, and every day that passes without news of Austin is a reminder that the fight is not over.

The words of the editors of the Washington Post resonate: "We must continue to advocate for the safe return of American journalist Austin Tice and all journalists and hostages who are unjustly detained."

So, dear reader, if you find yourself reflecting on the value of journalism in our society, think of Austin Tice.

Let us remember that his story is not just his own, but that of many who seek the truth in a world full of shadows. Press freedom must be a priority for all.

Will you join this fight?

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