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Reduce the risk of liver tumors by up to 35% with statins

The National Cancer Institute of the USA reveals that the likelihood of liver tumors decreases by up to 35%. Stay informed and take care of your health!...
01-08-2024 13:09

  1. Statins and Their Impact on Liver Cancer
  2. Recent Research
  3. Considered Risk Factors
  4. Limitations and Future Directions

Statins and Their Impact on Liver Cancer

The National Cancer Institute of the United States has pointed out that the use of statins can reduce the likelihood of developing liver tumors by up to 35%.

These medications, commonly used to lower cholesterol, have been the subject of study in various contexts, particularly regarding their effect on liver cancer.

Previous research had already suggested that statins could play a protective role, but a new study has also found evidence that certain non-statin medications may offer similar benefits.

Recent Research

A recent study led by Katherine McGlynn from the National Cancer Institute of the United States analyzed the health histories of nearly 19,000 people through the Clinical Practice Research Datalink in the United Kingdom.

From this group, around 3,700 individuals developed liver cancer and their medication use was compared with almost another 15,000 who did not contract the disease.

This analysis revealed that cholesterol absorption inhibitors, a type of medication that is not a statin, were associated with a 31% reduction in the risk of liver cancer.

Considered Risk Factors

It is important to highlight that McGlynn's study maintained its validity even when considering other associated risk factors, such as diabetes and the state of liver disease.

This suggests that the use of these medications could have an independent protective effect, opening new avenues for research in liver cancer prevention.

Limitations and Future Directions

However, the results are not conclusive for all medications used to lower cholesterol. Other drugs such as fibrates, omega-3 fatty acids, and niacin did not show a significant effect on the risk of liver cancer.

Furthermore, the effects of bile acid sequestrants remain uncertain.

McGlynn emphasizes the need to replicate these findings in other populations to validate the results. If the effectiveness of these medications in preventing liver cancer is confirmed, it could have a significant impact on research and clinical practice in the future.

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