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COVID-19: Increase in cases and persistent symptoms that worry the WHO

COVID-19 remains a threat: the WHO warns about the rise in cases and the persistent symptoms affecting millions. Get informed here!...
13-08-2024 20:27

  1. The Global Increase in COVID-19 Infections
  2. The Aftermath of COVID-19: A Persistent Problem
  3. Research and Understanding of Long COVID
  4. The Need for Continuous Surveillance

The Global Increase in COVID-19 Infections

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently pointed out an increase in COVID-19 cases globally.

“The COVID-19 virus has not gone away, and data from 84 countries show that in recent weeks confirmed cases have increased around the world,” stated Maria Van Kerkhove, Director of Epidemic and Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness at the WHO in Geneva.

This increase in virus circulation not only poses immediate infection risks but also raises the likelihood of mutations that could make the virus more severe.

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The Aftermath of COVID-19: A Persistent Problem

More than four years after the pandemic was declared, researchers are increasingly concerned about long COVID, also known as persistent COVID.

This condition refers to a range of symptoms that persist in some individuals after they have recovered from the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection.

According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, over 200 symptoms have been associated with long COVID, including extreme fatigue, respiratory problems, and cognitive difficulties.

A recent study commissioned by the Social Security Administration examined the effects of long COVID on health and concluded that it can cause significant problems affecting both adults and youth, including those who have had mild forms of the illness.

Symptoms such as dyspnea and cognitive dysfunction can drastically reduce the quality of life and functional capacity of survivors.

Research and Understanding of Long COVID

The magnitude of long COVID has led to more than 24,000 scientific publications, making it one of the most researched health conditions in recent history.

According to Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, a clinical epidemiologist at the University of Washington, long COVID can trigger a wide range of health problems, including neurological and cardiovascular disorders.

Although most people fully recover from COVID-19, it is estimated that between 10% and 20% experience medium and long-term effects.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine indicates that the risk of developing long COVID has decreased throughout the pandemic, thanks to vaccination and virus mutations. However, the impact of long COVID remains significant, affecting millions of people worldwide.

The Need for Continuous Surveillance

The warning from Dr. Al-Aly is clear: “Even after three years, you may have forgotten about COVID-19, but COVID has not forgotten about you.” This underscores the importance of ongoing vigilance and monitoring of the health of individuals who have had COVID-19.

Although many people may feel safe after recovering from the infection, it is essential to remain alert to the possibility that the virus continues to cause adverse effects in the body in the long term.

The medical community and researchers must continue to work to better understand long COVID and its implications for global public health.

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