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Alcohol stresses the heart: precautions we should take

Small amounts of this substance increase a stress protein in the heart, according to studies by the American Heart Association. Discover more!...
24-07-2024 14:16

  1. Alcohol and the Heart: A Dangerous Romance
  2. How Much is Too Much?
  3. Women and Alcohol: A Complicated Duo
  4. Moderation is the Key

Alcohol and the Heart: A Dangerous Romance

Did you know that alcohol, that festive companion that sometimes makes us dance until dawn, can be a silent enemy of our heart?

That's right, new studies presented by the American Heart Association reveal that sustained and excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of heart problems. It's like bringing that friend who never stops talking to a gathering... in the end, everyone ends up tired and with a headache.

Research indicates that even small amounts of alcohol can increase the production of a stress protein in the heart.

This protein, known as JNK2, can lead to an irregular heartbeat, which is not exactly what we look for at a party. So, is it really worth raising a glass to heart health with a glass of wine?

How Much is Too Much?

Studies have shown that five drinks in two hours for men and four for women can be a direct passport to atrial fibrillation, a type of arrhythmia that makes the heart behave like a scratched record.

Dr. Saugat Khanal, one of the study's authors, mentions that during festive times, "holiday heart syndrome" becomes common.

Can you imagine arriving at a party only to end up in the hospital? Definitely not the way one wants to remember the celebration.

The good news is that abstaining from alcohol can help prevent these risks. So, if you've ever wondered whether you should skip that extra drink, the answer seems to be a resounding yes. Did someone say "mineral water"?

We have a more detailed articleon this topic:Do we drink too much alcohol? What science says

Women and Alcohol: A Complicated Duo

On the other hand, the second study also sheds light on how alcohol affects women differently, especially those undergoing estrogen replacement therapy.

Even though estrogen is considered protective for the heart, the combination with alcohol can complicate things.

Scientists have observed that alcohol can worsen cardiovascular function in women more than in men. So, if you thought red wine was your best ally, you might want to think twice.

Dr. Syed Anees Ahmed, from the second study, points out that women should be cautious with alcohol consumption, especially those in menopause. Alcohol and estrogen together may not be the winning combination you expected. What if instead of wine, you opt for a cup of tea?

Moderation is the Key

Así que, ¿qué se puede concluir de todo esto? La moderación es tu mejor amiga cuando se trata de alcohol y salud cardiovascular. La Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón recomienda mantener un consumo moderado para cuidar nuestro querido músculo cardíaco.

So, what can be concluded from all this? Moderation is your best friend when it comes to alcohol and cardiovascular health. The American Heart Association recommends keeping a moderate intake to take care of our beloved heart muscle.

Así que, la próxima vez que te encuentres en una celebración, recuerda: ¡No dejes que el alcohol se convierta en el protagonista de la fiesta! Cuida tu corazón porque, al final del día, solo tienes uno.

So, the next time you find yourself at a celebration, remember: Don't let alcohol take center stage at the party! Take care of your heart because, at the end of the day, you only have one.

¿Listo para brindar por la salud... con agua?

Ready to toast to health... with water?

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