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Why can't you follow a conversation? Regain your attention!

Discover why we lose attention in conversations and how multitasking and notifications affect our concentration. Regain your focus!...
03-09-2024 20:49

  1. The impact of multitasking on our mind
  2. The relationship between technology and attention
  3. Strategies to Regain Mental Calmness
  4. Conclusion: Towards a More Focused Life

The impact of multitasking on our mind

In a world where digital overstimulation is the norm, our ability to concentrate is increasingly compromised. According to research published in the journal Nature Communications, a person can have up to 6,200 thoughts in a single day.

This avalanche of thoughts can lead to a state of mental scatter, similar to the phenomenon known as "popcorn brain," which refers to a brain accustomed to constant notifications and multitasking.

Dr. María Teresa Calabrese emphasizes that, although we can perform several tasks simultaneously, our brain can only fully concentrate on one thing at a time, resulting in superficial and scattered attention.

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The relationship between technology and attention

Continuous exposure to digital stimuli has transformed our cognition. According to a study mentioned in World Psychiatry, frequent use of social media trains our brains to process information in short bursts, which affects our sustained attention capacity.

Gloria Mark, a researcher at the University of California, highlights that the duration of our attention has drastically decreased, from an average of 2.5 minutes in 2004 to just 47 seconds in the last five years.

This state of distraction can present symptoms similar to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but it is important to remember that ADHD is a chronic disorder, while "popcorn brain" is a temporary response to technological overexposure.

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Strategies to Regain Mental Calmness

To combat distraction and regain calm, it is essential to adopt a more balanced lifestyle. Meditation has proven to be an effective tool for improving concentration. However, if anxiety is a barrier, it may be necessary to seek psychological treatment to address the underlying causes of lack of attention.

Dr. Calabrese suggests that once we identify the unconscious mechanisms that disturb our mind, we must make a conscious effort to redirect our thoughts towards new, more productive paths.

Additionally, other practices such as yoga and physical activity can be highly beneficial. Gisela Moya, a psychologist and yoga instructor, points out that moving the body helps to return to the present and calm the mind.

Physical activity, even in the form of a 20-minute walk, has been shown to be effective in improving attention, not only in adults but also in children, according to research from the University of Illinois.

Conclusion: Towards a More Focused Life

Regaining our ability to concentrate in a hyperconnected world is a challenge, but it is not impossible.

Implementing strategies such as meditation, yoga practice, and physical activity, along with a critical awareness of technology usage, can help us achieve a calmer and more focused mental state.

By paying attention to our thoughts and their usefulness in our lives, we can begin to build a path towards a more tranquil and productive mind.

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