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The 5 best infusions for sleeping: proven by science

Do you have trouble sleeping? Discover the best natural infusions, from relaxing chamomile to magical valerian, to achieve nights of deep rest and wake up full of energy. Say goodbye to insomnia with these drinks!...
19-06-2024 11:04

  1. 1. Chamomile
  2. 2. Linden
  3. 3. Valerian
  4. 4. Lavender
  5. 5. Orange Blossom Infusion
  6. An infusion for stress

Having trouble sleeping? Don't worry, you are not alone.

Many people struggle every night to achieve that much-desired restful sleep. Here I bring you a grandmother's secret: infusions.

Yes, those delicious and aromatic drinks that not only warm the heart but also help you sleep like a baby.

Let's discover together the 5 best infusions for better sleep.

1. Chamomile

The classic chamomile infusion never goes out of style. It's like the Oscar of sleep infusions. It contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to your brain receptors, telling them it's time to relax.

Furthermore, with its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, your body also feels better. If you suffer from mild insomnia or are stressed, chamomile is like a little trip to the spa.

I suggest you schedule time to read:How to overcome anxiety: 10 practical tips

2. Linden

Surely you have heard your grandmother say "Have a cup of linden tea and relax." And she was right! Linden, or linden tea, is famous for its sedative and anxiolytic properties.

Imagine, those compounds like flavonoids and essential oils act on your nervous system as if they were little magical fairies that take away your anxiety and stress. So, before your stress wins the battle, prepare a good cup of linden tea and say goodbye to sleepless nights.

You may also be interested in this article: Washing your sheets weekly is key to your health and rest!

3. Valerian

Now, if your struggle is more intense against anxiety, valerian is your best ally. The roots of this plant are like the samurai warriors of sleep, with active compounds that increase gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in your brain.

This basically tells your neurons, "Enough working, it's time to sleep!"

So if you feel that stress and nervous tension are not allowing you to get some shut-eye, give valerian a try.

In the meantime, I suggest you schedule some time to read this article I wrote: I wake up at 3 am and can't go back to sleep. What do I do?

4. Lavender

Lavender is not only charming to the eyes, but it is also a dream come true for those looking to relax. With essential oils, such as linalool and linalyl acetate, this flower works on your nervous system, helping you reduce anxiety.

Think of lavender as a warm hug from your best friend. So, why not try a cup of lavender before bedtime? Oh, and it's a bonus if you also use aromatherapy with its essential oil.

5. Orange Blossom Infusion

The orange blossom, delicate yet effective, with its flavonoids and essential oils, envelops you in a sense of calm and well-being. Perfect for those nights when your mind feels like a rollercoaster of thoughts.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to prepare a cup of orange blossom infusion and feel your body relaxing, ready to rest? Try it and you'll see the difference.

An infusion for stress

I leave you with this other less known infusion, but that helps relieve stress:

Well, there you have it, five infusions that are not only delicious, but will also help you sleep better.

Which one are you going to try tonight? Or do you already have a favorite? Put the kettle on and get ready for a dreamy night!

I suggest you keep reading this article:

Benefits of morning sunlight: health and sleep

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