Ah, fries! That delicious sin that makes us salivate just by thinking about it. But, let's be honest, who hasn't felt a little guilt while devouring a portion of these crispy delights?
Enter the air fryer, our modern heroine, promising salvation with less fat and more flavor. But is that really the case? Let's break down this topic, like peeling a potato.
The magic of the air fryer
The air fryer has arrived like a gift from heaven for french fry lovers. This gadget uses hot air instead of oil, allowing you to enjoy similar flavors with a notable reduction in calories.
Nutritionist Marije Verwijs compares this method to the traditional one and highlights oil control as its main advantage. But, beware! If we abuse oil before cooking, the air fryer won’t work miracles, and we will end up with a regular fry.
Interestingly, while many celebrate the innovation, others complain that the fries don’t come out as crispy. Some manufacturers, in their eagerness to please crunch lovers, have started adding sugar to frozen products, seeking a caramelization that resembles traditional browning. But, watch out! This strategy, although effective, can increase calories, counteracting the healthy benefits.
Beyond the crunch: what really matters
Here is where we can draw our own conclusions. Before rushing to the supermarket, it's worth checking the nutritional labels. The addition of sugars and other additives can turn a "healthy" option into a disguised calorie bomb. The best option: cut fresh potatoes at home. This way, we control what we eat and avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of strange ingredients.
Let's talk about nutrients. Marije Verwijs mentions that although any cooking method can cause us to lose some vitamins, the air fryer preserves more nutrients than boiling the potatoes. One point for hot air!
The dilemma of "healthy"
Now, let's not get carried away by enthusiasm. The air fryer does not turn fries into a superfood. Although it is a better option than deep frying, they are not recommended for daily consumption. Moderation is the key word here.
If we want to add a touch of health, we can choose healthier oils like olive or avocado oil. These oils contain fats that are beneficial for cardiovascular health, but even these should be used in moderation.
How about we try roasting the potatoes in the oven or steaming them?
The dark side of frying
Un detail that we cannot overlook: the temperature. Cooking at high temperatures can form harmful compounds, such as acrylamide. Although the air fryer reduces these compounds, it does not eliminate them completely. Cooking at moderate temperatures is recommended to minimize risks.
In summary, while the air fryer offers us a healthier alternative to traditional frying, fries, regardless of how they are cooked, should be enjoyed in moderation. And, as always, choosing fresh and natural ingredients is the best way to take care of our health. So go ahead, enjoy, but wisely!