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Habits you should stop at 50 to extend your life

Discover how reducing certain habits at 50 can prolong your life. Healthy eating is key; it's never too late to start!...
04-09-2024 12:35

  1. The Importance of a Healthy Diet Since Childhood
  2. The Impact of Sugar on Our Health
  3. Promoting Healthy Habits at Any Age

The Importance of a Healthy Diet Since Childhood

Good nutrition is fundamental from childhood, as it sets the foundation for optimal growth and development. However, it is important to remember that it is never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle, regardless of age.

Genetics is only part of the equation for achieving a long and healthy life; the lifestyle we lead plays a crucial role.

Recent research has shown that a diet rich in vitamins and minerals (like the incredible Okinawa diet), along with reducing the consumption of added sugars, can contribute to a younger biological age at the cellular level.

The Impact of Sugar on Our Health

A study from the University of California, San Francisco revealed that the consumption of added sugars is associated with accelerated biological aging, even in people who follow healthy diets.

This finding is alarming, considering that added sugar is found in 74% of packaged foods, including those commonly considered healthy, such as yogurt and energy bars.

The study's co-author, Barbara Laraia, suggests that reducing added sugar intake could be equivalent to delaying the biological clock by several months.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends limiting free sugar consumption to less than 10% of total caloric intake, and less than 5% for additional health benefits.

This is crucial to prevent health problems such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Promoting Healthy Habits at Any Age

It is essential to start from childhood (how to avoid junk food in children), but a positive change can also be made at any stage of life. Moderating the consumption of added sugars and other critical nutrients, such as salt and saturated fats, is fundamental.

Licentiate Gabriela Saad points out that many people seek help for obesity and chronic diseases, and the lack of physical activity and unhealthy food options are determining factors.

When adopting a healthy eating pattern, it is not about completely eliminating certain foods, but about making more conscious and nutritious choices.

A balanced approach can include moderation in the consumption of sugars and the inclusion of nutrient-rich foods.

Healthy eating is not just about restrictions. It is important to enjoy food and consider the palatability of the foods.

Sugar, although not essential, should not be completely banned, but its consumption should be controlled. The key is to find a balance that allows enjoying foods without compromising health.

To promote longevity and improve quality of life, it is essential to make lifestyle changes that include a balanced and varied diet, as well as the inclusion of healthy fats and essential nutrients.

It is never too late to improve our eating habits and, by doing so, we can contribute to a longer and healthier life.

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