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New study reveals risks of a sweetener for heart health

A new study from the Cleveland Clinic reveals that excessive consumption of erythritol may increase the risk of blood clots and affect heart health....
13-08-2024 20:33

  1. Erythritol, the new villain of the heart?
  2. The science behind sweetness
  3. Is erythritol safe or not?
  4. The controversy and the future of erythritol

Erythritol, the new villain of the heart?

Attention, sweetener lovers! A new study from the Cleveland Clinic warns us about erythritol. Yes, that sweetener that has conquered our drinks and desserts with its almost magical sweetness.

According to the team led by Dr. Stanley Hazen, consuming erythritol in common amounts may jeopardize our cardiovascular health. Can you imagine? Your "diet" soda could be doing more harm than you thought.

The researchers found that this sweetener causes increased activity in blood platelets, which could lead to an increase in clot formation.

And here comes the million-dollar question: should we be more concerned about erythritol than traditional sugar?

The science behind sweetness

In the study, 20 healthy volunteers were given a dose of erythritol equivalent to what we find in a muffin or a can of soda.

Surprise! Their erythritol levels in blood increased 1,000 times, and this led to an increase in clot formation.

Dr. W. H. Wilson Tang, co-author of the study, indicated that this raises serious concerns. Can you imagine a simple muffin triggering a possible cardiovascular risk?

Furthermore, the study did not find the same effect with sugar. This leads us to question the popular wisdom of replacing sugar with substitutes. The recommendation from doctors and professional societies to consume sweeteners to reduce cardiovascular risk may need urgent revision.

Why it is necessary for a doctor to monitor your heart health

Is erythritol safe or not?

The FDA classifies erythritol as "generally recognized as safe." But, as the saying goes: "not everything that glitters is gold."

Dr. Hazen warns that consumers should be cautious, especially those at elevated risk of thrombosis. The choice between a sugar-sweetened treat and one with erythritol may not be so simple.

Would you dare to sacrifice the taste of a cookie to avoid a potential heart problem?

Hazen's advice is clear: "It's better to consume sugar-sweetened treats in small amounts than to rely on sugar alcohols." What a dilemma!

The controversy and the future of erythritol

As expected, the sweetener industry is not staying silent. Carla Saunders, president of the Calorie Control Council, argues that the study has limitations. According to her, the amount of erythritol administered was excessive, almost double what is permitted in beverages.

Could it be that we are exaggerating things?

What is indisputable is that cardiovascular diseases are a real threat. Every bite counts and what we believe is healthy may not be. So, before you rush to buy that "sugar-free" cookie package, think twice.

Is it really the best option?

Ultimately, erythritol may be the hero of some diets, but it could also become an unexpected villain.

Don't let an apparently harmless choice jeopardize your health!

Research continues to advance and, as always, the best thing is to stay informed and act with caution. Ready to make changes to your diet?

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