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Erectile Dysfunction: More Than a Sexual Problem, A Warning Sign

Discover the truth behind erectile dysfunction: a warning sign from the body. It is the most common sexual dysfunction in Spain, but fear prevents its treatment....
30-10-2024 12:31

  1. The Elephant in the Room: Erectile Dysfunction
  2. Debunking Myths and Taboos
  3. Mind Vs. Body: The Dilemma of Erection
  4. Popular Wisdom Is Not Always Wise

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The Elephant in the Room: Erectile Dysfunction

Now imagine an elephant in a room. No one wants to talk about it, but there it is, taking up space and, in some cases, causing havoc. That is exactly what happens with erectile dysfunction in Spain.

With a surprising 40% of men facing some type of sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction leads the group, affecting between 1.5 and 2 million men. However, incredibly only 5 out of 100 seek a medical solution. It's like having a plumbing problem and deciding that a bucket will be enough!

Debunking Myths and Taboos

Talking about erectile dysfunction, for many, is like talking about grandma dancing flamenco: uncomfortable and better left unmentioned.

Dr. Josep Torremadé Barreda from the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona emphasizes that this situation is due to taboos and fears, but also to a dangerous normalization.

Some men think that losing erectile function is as inevitable as losing the car keys. But beware! Erectile dysfunction can be a warning sign, the tip of the iceberg indicating larger problems, such as cardiovascular risks.

Mind Vs. Body: The Dilemma of Erection

No everything is as simple as it seems.

There are two types of erectile dysfunction: psychogenic, which primarily affects young people and is linked to anxiety and fear of failure, and the one that comes with age. In the first case, a little therapy and perhaps some medications can work wonders.

However, when the dysfunction is a symptom of cardiovascular problems, the approach needs to be more comprehensive. The SEC warns us: the penis, that sensitive indicator of arterial health, can signal heart problems years in advance. Who would have thought it could be a health detective!

Popular Wisdom Is Not Always Wise

Many men prefer to seek solutions from the neighbor, the friend, or worse yet, in the vast and sometimes misguided world of the internet. But would you trust your neighbor to fix your brakes? Of course not! So why trust them with something as delicate as sexual health?

Medicating with what your friend's cousin's neighbor recommends can be more dangerous than helpful. Here the key is simple: visit the doctor, the urologist, someone who knows what this is all about.

Let's remember, erectile dysfunction is not a topic of shame, it's a health issue. Let's stop making the elephant in the room a forbidden topic and start talking about it, with the doctor, not the neighbor. And long live flamenco!

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