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The quince: the fruit that is rarely consumed, but very rich in nutrients

Rich in tannins and vitamin C, this option strengthens your immune system and protects the skin, providing multiple health benefits....
26-07-2024 12:43

  1. Discovering Quince: A Nutritional Treasure
  2. Digestion and More: The Power of Fiber
  3. Beyond the Table: Benefits for the Skin
  4. The Heart and the Immune System in Good Hands

Discovering Quince: A Nutritional Treasure

The quince, that yellow fruit that sometimes seems like a distant relative of the apple, has been revered since time immemorial. Did you know it belongs to the rose family?

Its main fame lies in sweets and jams, but its health benefits are a true feast that many ignore.

With only 57 calories per 100 grams, this fruit is a perfect ally for those looking to take care of themselves without giving up on enjoyment.

Beneath its rough and fuzzy appearance, the quince is a rich source of fiber, tannins, and potassium. These nutrients not only add flavor but also promote overall well-being.

Can you imagine having an ally that improves your digestion and, in the process, helps keep cholesterol in check? That's right, the quince will take care of that.

Digestion and More: The Power of Fiber

The dietary fiber of quince becomes your ideal companion. It promotes healthy bowel movement and can prevent issues such as inflammatory bowel disease.

Goodbye, discomfort! Additionally, thanks to its tannins, it acts as a natural astringent that can be a lifesaver in cases of diarrhea. So, if you've overindulged in tapas, remember that quince can be your best friend in the kitchen.

But that's not all. The pectin present in quince has also been associated with lowering cholesterol.

Who said you couldn't enjoy something delicious while taking care of your heart?

Beyond the Table: Benefits for the Skin

The quince is not only found on the plate. It also has a prominent place in skincare. Its mucilage is an effective remedy for sunburns and dry lips. Goodbye, cracked skin! With its antioxidants and vitamin C, it helps keep the skin young and radiant.

Who doesn't want to delay the appearance of wrinkles?

If you're dealing with skin issues like atopic dermatitis, quince could be an interesting option. When applied as an ointment, it might provide relief.

Who would have thought that a fruit could be so versatile!

Discover this rich food to live over 100 years

The Heart and the Immune System in Good Hands

The quince is also a champion for cardiovascular health. Its richness in potassium helps regulate blood pressure and keep the heart in shape. Every bite counts!

And if you're concerned about the immune system, the vitamin C in quince is a true superhero. It stimulates the production of white blood cells, those little soldiers that defend our body from viruses and bacteria. So, the next time you feel a bit weak, why not try some quince?

In summary, quince is not only a delicious fruit but also a powerful ally for your health.

So, are you ready to incorporate it into your diet? From traditional sweets to creative salads, the possibilities are endless. Enjoy quince!

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