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Incredible!: They monitor employee productivity with artificial intelligence

A video that went viral in the last few hours shows how with artificial intelligence, they manage to monitor workers instantly. Watch the amazing video!...
10-05-2024 13:45

A recently viralized video has generated controversy by showing how a Chinese company monitors its workers with artificial intelligence.

The images show a typical office with workers in front of their computers and how artificial intelligence, using facial recognition technology, instantly records when the office workers are working and when they are taking breaks.

In this way, they can track their movements and the company can accurately know how much time their employees spend at work and when they take breaks.

The video accompanying this article went viral in the last hours, but the company to which it belongs is unknown, and whether it is indeed a functioning system or just a video made to go viral is uncertain.

While it is true that technology can be a useful tool to improve productivity and efficiency in companies, the use of artificial intelligence to monitor employees in such detail raises serious ethical and privacy concerns.

Is it really necessary to monitor employees' work time so closely? What impact does this constant surveillance have on their well-being and mental health?

We consulted with labor relations expert, Susana Santino, who commented that "these types of practices can foster a toxic work environment of mistrust and lack of autonomy, which can negatively affect employees' motivation and commitment."

Susana continued, saying: "If they feel constantly watched and controlled, it is likely that their performance and creativity will be diminished."

At the moment, no further details have emerged about the video that is circulating mainly on social media.

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