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Shocking details about the death of Matthew Perry

Actor found dead in his jacuzzi: suffered cardiovascular overstimulation and respiratory depression due to ketamine and buprenorphine. Causes of his tragic death....
16-08-2024 16:31

On October 28, 2023, the world donned mourning. The news of Matthew Perry's passing, the iconic Chandler Bing from “Friends,” left many of us with a lump in our throats.

And not just because we remember him as the king of sarcastic jokes and comedy.

The story surrounding his death is a dark and complicated maze, full of unexpected twists. So, let’s open the door and step into this tangle.

First, let’s talk about the cause of his death. According to forensic reports, ketamine, a powerful sedative, was responsible for his tragic departure.

But before you dive into despair, let me tell you that Matthew had been drug-free for 19 months. That has to count for something, right?!

However, postmortem analyses revealed alarmingly high levels of ketamine in his blood, three times higher than normal.

And what about that? You might ask. It turns out that the actor had stopped attending his treatment sessions and, in theory, hadn't used it for seven days. But where did that amount come from then?

This is where the story becomes even murkier. In January 2024, the case was closed as "accidental death."

But in May, the DEA showed up, ready to unmask those who had been behind this dark game. The news of five arrests, including doctors and his personal assistant, left many stunned.

How is it possible that someone who had fought so hard against his addictions ended up in this web of exploitation? The answer may be simpler than it seems: economic interests.

Attorney General Martin Estrada made it clear: “They took advantage of Perry’s addiction problems to enrich themselves.”

Matthew's personal assistant, who had been by his side for 25 years, was not only a bad friend but injected him with the drug 27 times in the days leading up to his death.

What kind of loyalty is that? Furthermore, the involved doctors exchanged messages about how much “this idiot” was willing to pay. Humanity seems to have vanished from the equation.

And here comes the part that will surely raise an eyebrow. While some of those involved have already pleaded guilty and face prison sentences ranging from 10 to 20 years, the trafficker known as “the ketamine queen” could receive a life sentence. Now that’s a dramatic twist!

In the end, this story leaves us with a bitter taste. We were robbed of a brilliant talent for selfish interests and, to be honest, it’s an absolute shame. Matthew Perry was not only a beloved actor but a human being who battled internal demons.

The lesson here is clear: never underestimate the power of addictions and the harm that exploitation can cause.

So, as we remember Perry, I hope this serves as a reminder that life is fragile and, at times, cruel.

But it is also an invitation to open our eyes and take action. What do you think of this situation? What changes do you believe should be implemented to protect those struggling with their addictions?

The conversation doesn’t end here, and surely Matthew Perry wouldn’t want it to. Let’s talk!

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