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Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly intelligent and people are becoming increasingly foolish

As Artificial Intelligence becomes increasingly smarter, capable of creating incredible art, people seem to be getting dumber. What can we do about it?...
19-06-2024 12:22

  1. The Dilemma of Dependency
  2. What Can You Do?
  3. Conclusion

In this world that seems to be running at a thousand miles per hour, every aspect of our lives is becoming more automated and dependent on artificial intelligence (AI).

From how we communicate to how we work, AI has become an omnipresent force. But have you ever wondered if this is good or bad?

The truth is, in many ways, AI is making our lives easier and more convenient.

Who hasn't ordered a pizza or paid a bill without moving from the couch, thanks to their smartphone? However, this convenience comes at a price.

When we rely too much on AI, our brains are not exercised as much as when we have to do things manually. This can lead to a decrease in our cognitive abilities, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

The Dilemma of Dependency

One of the greatest challenges is finding the balance between using AI to our advantage and relying too much on it.

Some experts point out that when we click on "Accept all" without thinking twice, we are delegating our important decisions to algorithms.

Many workers are so used to depending on tools like ChatGPT that some companies and universities have started blocking access to them to encourage independent thinking. Do you think this is an effective solution?

And What About the Future?

It's difficult to predict exactly how the next decades will be, but our relationship with AI will continue to evolve.

Some experts foresee a future where AI is so advanced that it surpasses human intelligence, leading to a world dominated by robots. However, there is no need to panic just yet.

It is much more likely that AI will continue to be an essential part of our lives, but that we learn to use it responsibly, complementing rather than replacing our intelligence.

What Can You Do?

Well, here are some suggestions for our relationship with AI to be positive:

1. Disconnect from time to time: Try to reduce your dependence on technology and engage in activities that challenge your brain and stimulate your creativity. How about a good book or a puzzle?

2. Rational use at work: If you are a boss or work in a company, you could encourage the responsible use of AI tools, without relying on them for everything. You can encourage employees to think for themselves.

3. Ethics and transparency: Support the development of AI in a fair and ethical manner so that we can continue to enjoy the benefits without losing our humanity.

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The growing dependence on AI is a double-edged sword. While it can make our lives easier, it also comes at a cost. But not all is lost.

By balancing the use of AI to our advantage and keeping our brains in shape, we can ensure a positive and productive relationship with technology.

Only by working together can we create a future where humans and machines coexist harmoniously instead of letting ourselves be dominated by robots.

And you, how do you use AI in your daily life? Do you think we could find that desired balance?

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