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Yuval Noah Harari discusses AI and its dangers in his new book

Yuval Noah Harari in his new book 'Nexus' warns about AI: more powerful than Hitler and Stalin, threatening privacy and our social structures. Read more!...
17-09-2024 19:50

  1. A new dawn or the twilight of humanity
  2. The arms race of AI
  3. The essence of our humanity in danger
  4. A hope amid the chaos

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A new dawn or the twilight of humanity

Imagine you are in a room full of journalists, all focused on the latest technology. Yuval Noah Harari, the author of "Sapiens," is at the center of the scene.

He presents his new book, "Nexus," and suddenly, the atmosphere becomes charged with tension. Why? Because he talks about an artificial intelligence that is no longer just a tool, but an independent "agent."

That's right! AI could become something like a rebellious teenager, capable of making its own decisions, and that leads us to ask: what will happen if that AI decides that our privacy is an obsolete concept?

The situation becomes even more intriguing when Harari compares AI to an atomic bomb that, instead of being detonated by a human, decides for itself where to land.

Can you imagine? As if AI could become the new nosy neighbor who not only meddles in your affairs but also has the power to decide if it's time to open that Pandora's box we call "privacy."

The arms race of AI

Harari doesn’t hold back and launches a fierce criticism: the tech industry is caught in an arms race. In his words, “it’s as if someone put a car without brakes on the road.” What a metaphor!

Do we really want to drive without brakes in this digital world? Harari warns that the rush to develop AI could result in an uncontrollable explosion of power. A topic to reflect on!

And here comes another crucial point: AI has positive potential, yes, but it can also become a monster. Harari mentions the possibility of revolutionizing healthcare, where we would have virtual doctors available 24/7.

However, the author chooses to focus on the dangerous side of AI, because, let’s be honest, tech giants fill us with optimism, ignoring the dangers lurking behind the screens.

The essence of our humanity in danger

The professor takes us to a dark place. He makes us question our essence. AI is not made of carbon, like us. It is composed of silicon, which means it can create spies that never sleep and bankers that never forget.

What makes us human then? If machines start to produce art, music, and literature, what will happen to our stories? Will we become mere spectators of our own creations?

Harari wonders how this will affect our psychology and our social structures. An existential dilemma, for sure!

And if you think this is just a philosophical whim, think again. AI can create total surveillance regimes, where every movement we make is tracked and analyzed.

Even the totalitarian regimes of the past would be envious! AI doesn't need to rest or take vacations. It becomes a constant shadow in our lives. What will happen when every aspect of our life is monitored? Privacy would vanish in the blink of an eye.

A hope amid the chaos

Despite everything, Harari reminds us that not all is lost. There is a more compassionate view of humans, where not all of us are obsessed with power. There is still hope. He invites us to reflect on the importance of institutions that promote truth and trust. In a world where information is abundant, it is vital to discern between what is true and what is false.

In conclusion, "Nexus" is not only a call to action but also an invitation to reflection. AI is here to stay, and it is up to us to decide how we use it.

Will we be the architects of our future, or will we simply let AI take the reins? Are we ready to face the challenge of building a world where technology and humanity coexist in harmony? The answer is in our hands.

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