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Can AI collapse? Experts warn about its dangers and solutions

Why can generative AI self-destruct? Discover recent studies that alert about its degradation and the experts who analyze possible solutions....
14-10-2024 14:21

  1. The Alarm of Degradation in Generative AI
  2. The Collapse of the Model: A Degenerative Phenomenon
  3. The Difficulty of Human Intervention
  4. An Uncertain Future: Challenges and Possible Solutions

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The Alarm of Degradation in Generative AI

Recent studies have raised alarms about a disturbing phenomenon in the development of generative artificial intelligence: the degradation of the quality of responses.

Experts have pointed out that when these systems are trained with synthetic data, that is, content generated by other AIs, they can fall into a cycle of deterioration that culminates in absurd and nonsensical responses.

The question that arises is: how does one reach this point and what measures can be taken to prevent it?

The Collapse of the Model: A Degenerative Phenomenon

The "model collapse" refers to a process in which AI systems become trapped in a training cycle with poor quality data, resulting in a loss of diversity and effectiveness.

According to Ilia Shumailov, co-author of a study published in Nature, this phenomenon occurs when AI begins to feed on its own outputs, perpetuating biases and diminishing its usefulness. In the long run, this can lead to the model producing increasingly homogeneous and less accurate content, like an echo of its own responses.

Emily Wenger, a professor of engineering at Duke University, illustrates this problem with a simple example: if an AI is trained to generate images of dogs, it will tend to replicate the most common breeds, leaving aside those that are less known.

This is not only a reflection of data quality, but it also poses significant risks for the representation of minorities in training datasets.

Also read: Artificial intelligence becoming smarter and humans becoming dumber.

The Difficulty of Human Intervention

Despite the seriousness of the situation, the solution is not straightforward. Shumailov indicates that it is unclear how to prevent the collapse of the model, although there is evidence that mixing real data with synthetic data can mitigate the effect.

However, this also implies an increase in training costs and greater difficulty in accessing complete datasets.

The lack of a clear approach for human intervention leaves developers with a dilemma: can humans really control the future of generative AI?

Fredi Vivas, CEO of RockingData, warns that excessive training with synthetic data can create an "echo chamber effect," where AI learns from its own inaccuracies, further reducing its ability to generate accurate and diverse content. Thus, the question of how to ensure the quality and utility of AI models becomes increasingly urgent.

An Uncertain Future: Challenges and Possible Solutions

Experts agree that the use of synthetic data is not inherently negative, but its management requires a responsible approach. Proposals such as implementing watermarks on generated data could help identify and filter synthetic content, thus ensuring quality in the training of AI models.

However, the effectiveness of these measures depends on cooperation between large tech companies and smaller model developers.

The future of generative AI is at stake, and the scientific community is in a race against time to find solutions before the bubble of synthetic content bursts.

The key will be to establish robust mechanisms that ensure AI models remain useful and accurate, thus avoiding the collapse that many fear.

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