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6 ways to keep your nails healthy and recognize when they are brittle

Discover how to keep your nails healthy and when they are a sign of problems. Learn effective treatments to strengthen brittle and fragile nails....
31-07-2024 15:12

  1. Why Are Your Nails Breaking?
  2. Treatments to Strengthen Your Nails
  3. Mistakes You Should Avoid

Say goodbye to brittle nails!
Have you ever looked at your nails and felt they deserve VIP treatment?

Of course! Brittle nails are like that friend who always promises to change, but never does.

And while they can't be sent to therapy, there are ways to make them stronger and more beautiful.

So, get ready to give your nails the love they deserve!

Why Are Your Nails Breaking?

First, let’s understand the drama that our nails go through. Onychoschizia, which sounds more like a Harry Potter spell than a nail problem, is the reason behind their fragility. But what causes this nail suffering? Here are the main reasons:

1. Aging:

Over time, nails can become softer and thinner. It’s like they are wine, improving with age, but sometimes they crack!

2. Nutritional Deficiencies:

If your nails are crying out for iron, calcium, or biotin, something is not right. What you eat is reflected in those little plates.

3. Dehydration:

Washing your hands can be a heroic act, but hot water and soap are enemies of hydration. Your nails don’t want to be dry!

4. Chemicals:

Detergents and harsh beauty products are like those toxic exes you shouldn’t see again.

5. Trauma:

From typing to wearing shoes that seem made of steel, your nails can suffer more than you imagine.

6. Diseases:

Some medical conditions can make your nails behave as if they are on a bad streak. Consult a doctor if necessary!

Treatments to Strengthen Your Nails

Now that we understand why, let's take action. Here are some simple and effective strategies to strengthen those nails:

- Proper manicure: Use quality tools and cut your nails straight across. Filing in a curved shape is like giving them a massage. They deserve it!

- Express hydration: After washing your hands, don't forget to apply moisturizer. Nails want their spa time too!

- Nail hardeners: Look for products that contain ingredients that help rebuild keratin. It's like a gym for your nails!

- Balanced diet: Include nutrient-rich foods that strengthen your nails. Vitamins are your best friends!

- Avoid irritants: Wear gloves while cleaning. Your nails are not fans of harsh detergents!

Daily care: The key to success!

Daily care is essential. Remember to keep your nails clean and dry. Goodbye bacteria! And don't forget to massage your cuticles with cream. They need love too!

Mistakes You Should Avoid

Don't fall into the trap of certain habits that can harm your nails:

- Biting your nails:

No! This can open the door to infections.

- Incorrectly removing hangnails:

Do it carefully, or you could end up on a painful adventure.

- Excessive use of nail polish remover:

Opt for gentler versions and limit their use. Your nails will thank you!

When to seek help?

If after applying these tips, you still see that your nails are not improving, don't hesitate to consult a doctor. Some signs that you need help include:

- Changes in the color or shape of the nail.
- Bleeding or inflammation.
- Stopped growth.

Remember: your nails deserve special treatment! With a little care and attention, you'll see how they transform.

Are you ready for the change? Let’s go for strong and beautiful nails!

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