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Incredible! Travel with the best 360-degree view on this exclusive plane

They have designed a plane with an exclusive view that not even the aircraft captains can access. Discover it in this video!...
06-05-2024 12:43

Watch the video of this spectacular airplane design that has left everyone speechless.

These airplanes will be designed with two exclusive seats for VIP passengers that will offer them a panoramic 360-degree view during the flight.

Of course, as seen in the video, this special cabin will have all kinds of comforts:

- No other passengers will be able to access them.

- Wide and ultra comfortable seats.

- Seats can be rotated to change direction.

- Multimedia screen.

- Ability to darken the windows 100%.

Watch the video below to see all the features. Of course, the price will make it prohibitive for most people.

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