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Proteins and genetic factors that affect brain health

Discover how proteins affect brain communication, leading to neuronal death. Learn about the genetic and lifestyle factors that increase the risk....
26-07-2024 12:05

  1. What is Alzheimer's disease?
  2. The beta-amyloid and tau proteins: the villains of the story
  3. Risk factors: what puts us on the waiting list?
  4. Looking to the Future: Hope and Advances in Research

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What is Alzheimer's disease?

The Alzheimer disease is like that unwanted guest that shows up at the party of life, but instead of bringing us a bottle of wine, it brings along the degeneration and death of our neurons.

This interferes with the ability to think, remember, and socialize, making daily life a true puzzle. And we are not talking about an easy puzzle, but one of those thousand-piece ones that always seems to be missing a piece.

Globally, around 60 million people suffer from dementia, and of those, it is estimated that two-thirds have Alzheimer’s.

That’s a lot of brains at risk! In the United States, this disease is the sixth leading cause of death. But not all news is bad. Researchers are working hard to be able to diagnose the disease before the signs become evident. Wouldn't it be great to know that there is hope?

The beta-amyloid and tau proteins: the villains of the story

Si Alzheimer disease were a movie, beta-amyloid and tau proteins would be the main villains. Beta-amyloid forms plaques in the brain, while tau tangles as if it were trying to knit a scarf without knowing how.

These proteins not only hinder communication between neurons but also activate immune responses that trigger inflammation, as if the brain decided to throw a cellular destruction party.

As these proteins wreak havoc, neurons lose their ability to send messages and eventually die. The hippocampus and amygdala are the first victims, leading to memory loss and emotional changes. Imagine a brain where messages get lost like misplaced letters in the mail.

I suggest reading:

How to live up to 120 years with these unmissable tips

Risk factors: what puts us on the waiting list?

Now, let's talk about risk factors. Some are genetic, while others depend on our lifestyle. For example, having a close relative with Alzheimer's can increase our chances of receiving that invitation letter.

The variant of the APOE e4 gene is the one that draws the most attention. If you have one copy, your risk increases; if you have two, well, let's just say it's better to keep the mind occupied!

On the other hand, lifestyle habits also play a crucial role. Sleeping poorly, leading a sedentary life, and being friends with tobacco or junk food are like throwing confetti at the neurodegeneration party.

But, did you know that education and stimulating activities can be your best allies?

Keeping the mind active and socializing are strategies that seem to help reduce risk. So, how about joining a book club or learning to play an instrument?

I suggest you schedule some time to read:

How to improve our sleep

Looking to the Future: Hope and Advances in Research

Advances in research are like the sun peeking through the clouds on a gray day. New diagnostics and treatments are being explored that could change the game.

Science is beginning to better understand how the beta-amyloid and tau proteins interact and what their true roles are in the disease. This could open the door to new therapies that not only halt the progression of the disease but perhaps, in the distant future, prevent it.

So, as we continue to research and learn about Alzheimer's disease, let us remember that taking care of our brain is crucial.

Staying active, socializing, and learning new things is not only good for the soul, but it is also good for our neurons!

Are you ready to be the hero of your own brain story?

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