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Goodbye, devil fish! The abyssal creature that surprised the world has died

The black devil fish, a rare visitor to the Canary Islands, dies in broad daylight. It now lies in the Museum of Nature in Tenerife, ready to be studied....
12-02-2025 13:41

  1. The Black Devil Fish surfaces
  2. A mystery for the experts
  3. From the beach to the museum
  4. The intriguing world of the abyssal monkfish

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The Black Devil Fish surfaces

A week ago, something unexpected shook the waters of Tenerife. An abyssal fish, the feared "black devil" or "Melanocetus Johnsonii," decided to emerge from the depths to give us a scare and a show in broad daylight.

This fish, which normally hides several hundred meters underwater, made its debut at the surface, leaving experts scratching their heads. An abyssal fish on the beach? That's not something you see every day! The surprise was such that many wondered if the fish had taken a vacation or if it had simply lost its underwater GPS.

A mystery for the experts

The scientists, astonished, began to formulate theories. What could have led this deep-sea fish to the shore? Experts suggest that perhaps an illness drove it to seek medical help at the surface, although, unfortunately, it died hours after being spotted.

The fact that this legendary fish, which few people have seen alive, appeared on a beach in Tenerife is as rare an event as finding a needle in an underwater haystack.

From the beach to the museum

After its sad demise, the body of "Melanocetus Johnsonii" was transferred to the Museum of Nature and Archaeology in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. There, researchers plan to study this enigmatic specimen, trying to unravel the secrets hidden within its small body.

And it's not every day that one has the opportunity to analyze a resident of the depths! This process will not only shed light on the reasons for its mysterious appearance, but it will also expand our knowledge of abyssal creatures. Can you imagine what we might discover?

The intriguing world of the abyssal monkfish

Known also as the abyssal monkfish, the "Melanocetus Johnsonii" is a predator that moves between 200 and 2,000 meters deep. This uniquely shaped fish, with its dark skin and sharp fangs, not only frightens with its appearance but also fascinates with its bioluminescence.

Did you know that its luminous appendage acts like a lantern used to attract its prey? It's as if it carries its own light show! The symbiotic bacteria that produce this light in its appendage serve as a reminder that, in the depths, life shines in unexpected ways.

So, the next time you go to the beach, take a look at the water. Who knows, you might be lucky (or scared) enough to encounter another visitor from the depths.

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