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Incredible! NASA allows us to see fires around the world in real time

Look at planet Earth from above: you will see the fire outbreaks that are happening in real time or those that have occurred in the past. Be amazed!...
27-06-2024 13:19

Ah, NASA! Not content with sending us to the Moon, now it also helps us monitor disasters from our screen.

If you ever wanted to feel like a superhero with the power to observe the Earth in real time to detect fires and other thermal disasters, I have good news for you. NASA has just what you need and it's called FIRMS.

Imagine this: you're sitting in your living room, with a cup of coffee and a stable internet connection (I know, too much to ask some days), and you wonder:

"How is the Amazon today? Are there any fires in Australia?"

Instead of staying in doubt, you just need to visit the official NASA website and voilà, you have access to FIRMS.

But what is FIRMS, you ask? I don't blame you; it sounds like the name of a 90s rock band. FIRMS, which stands for Fire Information for Resource Management System, uses satellite observations from the MODIS and VIIRS instruments to detect active fires and thermal anomalies in near real-time.

This is not science fiction, it's science in action. And even better, FIRMS sends you email alerts, provides data ready for analysis, online maps, and web services. All of this is designed to help decision-makers act quickly.

Now, a curiosity for history enthusiasts: FIRMS was initially developed by the University of Maryland, funded by none other than NASA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Since 2012, the FIRMS tool has been under the wing of NASA LANCE, which sounds much more elegant, doesn't it?

If after all this, curiosity overwhelms you and you decide to explore FIRMS for yourself, go ahead. Although you can't put out fires just by wishing it, at least you'll be one step closer to understanding what happens in our world in terms of natural disasters. And who knows! You could be the one raising the alarm next time.

And, let's admit it, knowing that NASA has our back while we enjoy our favorite series in the comfort of our home, is a great relief.

You can access this amazing web resource at the following link: NASA Website

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