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Grandparents live longer when they spend more time with their grandchildren

A study shows that low social interaction increases mortality. Discover on Grandparents' Day the benefits of the bond between generations....
26-07-2024 14:12

  1. An intergenerational hug
  2. Benefits for the body and soul
  3. The fight against loneliness
  4. The legacy of wisdom

An intergenerational hug

On July 26, the Grandparents' Day is celebrated, a date that invites us to reflect on the importance of this unique relationship.

Who hasn't enjoyed the smell of homemade food, playing games that even parents wouldn't dare suggest, or those naps that seem endless?

These moments are just a small sample of what grandparents bring to our lives. But did you know that their presence can also influence health?

A recent study reveals that limited social interaction in old age can increase the risk of mortality. What a way to scare off the spirit!

The research, conducted with over 450,000 people in the United Kingdom, shows that those grandparents who do not receive visits from their loved ones have a higher risk of facing health problems.

So the next time you think about visiting your grandparents, remember: you might be saving lives!

Benefits for the body and soul

The connection between grandparents and grandchildren goes beyond simple coexistence. This relationship is full of physical and emotional benefits.

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) promotes healthy aging, which is not just about living longer, but living better. And this is where our grandparents play a key role.

80% of people over 65 are grandparents, and many of them dedicate about 16 hours a week to caring for their grandchildren.

That's more time than many of us spend in the office!

This coexistence not only helps grandparents stay active, but also creates a space where grandchildren can absorb wisdom, values, and traditions.

Who hasn't learned something valuable from their grandparents that has guided them in life?

The fight against loneliness

Loneliness is a silent enemy that affects a large part of the elderly population. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around a quarter of older people suffer from social isolation.

This not only affects their emotional well-being but can also increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

This is where interaction with grandchildren becomes an emotional lifeline. A simple board game or a chat about school can work wonders for a grandparent's mood. Furthermore, they find in their grandchildren a reason to stay active and connected to the world.

Isn't it beautiful to think that laughter and fun can help combat loneliness?

The legacy of wisdom

Grandparents are, in many ways, the guardians of family memory. They pass down stories, traditions, and, above all, values. In times of crisis, their support can be essential.

According to Aída Gatica, a family counselor, these bonds provide stability and affection, which are essential for the emotional development of the little ones.

Moreover, grandparents are great transmitters of experience and culture, helping grandchildren understand their roots. At the end of the day, the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is a mutually enriching exchange that benefits both parties.

So, the next time you feel nostalgic, remember that your grandparents are not just a part of your past, but also a pillar in your present.

So, on this Grandparents' Day, how about dedicating some time to them?

A hug, a call, or a day of visit can be the best gift you give them. Because in the end, they are not just grandparents, they are an invaluable treasure in our lives.

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