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Resting with your dog: emotional benefits and hygiene challenges

Resting with your pet in bed strengthens the emotional bond and provides security, despite some hygiene challenges. Discover its benefits!...
30-07-2024 20:59

  1. The emotional connection through rest
  2. Aspects to consider
  3. The benefits of "co-sleeping" with pets
  4. Building a Healthy Bond

The emotional connection through rest

Sleeping with a dog in bed can be a comforting experience. For many pet owners, the presence of their pet offers a sense of companionship and security that contributes to a more peaceful sleep.

Canines enjoy the closeness and warmth that comes from being near the people with whom they share an emotional bond, which reinforces the emotional connection and provides them with protection and calm during the night.

Veterinarian Juan Enrique Romero points out that when sleeping with their owners, dogs experience an increase in neurotransmitters such as dopamine and oxytocin, known as the "happiness or love hormones."

This not only benefits their emotional health but also strengthens the bond between the animal and its owner, creating a conducive environment for a restorative rest.

Why you shouldn't hug your dog?

Aspects to consider

Despite the emotional benefits, sharing the bed with a pet also presents challenges. Hygiene considerations, the size of the dog, and personal preferences are factors that must be taken into account.

The AARP organization mentions that animals can injure themselves when getting on and off the bed, and there is a risk of contracting parasites like fleas and ticks. Additionally, dirt that may accumulate in the dog's fur can affect human health.

It is essential to create a suitable resting environment for both the dog and the human. Communication and understanding the dog's body language are crucial to ensure that both feel comfortable.

In this sense, it is important to pay attention to the signals that the dog sends regarding its well-being during the night.

The benefits of "co-sleeping" with pets

Sleeping with a pet can provide a sense of security and comfort.

Veterinarians like George Melillo highlight that having a pet nearby can be especially beneficial for elderly people with hearing problems, as dogs can alert them to unusual sounds.

Furthermore, interaction with animals can help reduce feelings of depression, as the oxytocin production generated by interactions decreases cortisol secretion, the stress hormone.
Shared body heat can also be a positive factor during colder months. However, it is vital to recognize that not all dogs feel comfortable with the same level of closeness.

Some studies suggest that hugs can cause anxiety in certain dogs, so it is essential to adapt our expressions of affection to their preferences.

Discover how pets improve your own health

Building a Healthy Bond

The relationship between humans and dogs is unique and requires attention and care. A balanced approach involves not only sharing the bed but also understanding the needs of the pet.

Interaction with the outside world, such as walks, play, and socialization, is essential for their well-being.

Avoiding emotional goodbyes can help prevent separation anxiety in dogs. Each animal has its own personality and emotional requirements, so it is essential to understand our pet thoroughly to establish the best type of bond.

Ultimately, the goal is to create an environment of love and security where both the owner and the dog can enjoy a pleasant and restorative rest.

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