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How to get people to respect you if you are shy or quiet

You must make yourself respected, but you are too shy, lazy, or quiet: how can you do it? Here are some tips that will help you give a better impression and improve your self-esteem....
24-06-2024 14:35

Have you ever felt overlooked in a meeting, invisible in a crowd, or not valued enough?

If you are a rather quiet person, this might sound familiar. But here's the good news, you don't have to be the loudest in the group to be respected!

Here are some habits that can help you command respect without saying a single word (well, almost).

1. Slow and Relaxed Movements

First of all, lose that hurry. Imagine you are a snail in a world of hares. Moving slowly and calmly indicates that you are not scared or pressured. In psychology, this is called "nonverbal dominance". Feeling a bit more regal already?

2. Maintain Eye Contact

Eye contact is more powerful than you think. During a conversation, especially in a conflict, maintaining eye contact shows that you are not intimidated.

Constant eye contact actually activates areas of the brain associated with empathy and social connection. You are literally locking eyes!

3. Be Non-Reactive

No matter what happens, try to keep your composure. Being non-reactive indicates that you trust your ability to handle any situation. Remember that time when your cousin spilled sauce on the table and you didn't flinch? Exactly, that zen.

4. Strong Body Language

Your body language speaks louder than your words. Keep your head up and shoulders back when entering a room. People often decide whether to take you seriously in the first few seconds of seeing you. Seize that moment!

Meanwhile, I suggest you schedule yourself to read this article:Discover how to free yourself with self-help

5. Impeccable Physical Appearance

Yes, we know "beauty is on the inside", but the truth is that appearance matters. Psychology tells us that first impressions are crucial and most people will judge you by your appearance. So invest in clothes that make you feel good and, for heaven's sake, wear good perfume!

6. Occupy Space

Taking up physical space shows confidence and mastery. Expand your gestures, especially when speaking to a group of people. The more space you occupy, the more impressive you will seem.

7. Tone of Voice

Your tone of voice is key. Avoid sounding like you are asking a question. Speak with authority and confidence. A firm tone communicates that you know what you're talking about. Goodbye doubts!

8. Speak Slowly and Use Pauses

Speaking slowly and pausing between words can captivate people's attention. Pauses create anticipation. Just make sure not to let yourself be interrupted. Make it clear that you haven't finished your masterful speech yet.

9. Speak with Conviction

Forget weak phrases like "I hope" or "I want". Change your wording to "I will" and "I'm going to". This shows confidence and determination. Did you know that your way of speaking can affect your brain as much as others'?

10. Improve your Nonverbal Communication

Lastly, and this is crucial, improve your nonverbal communication. Most of our communication is nonverbal. It's not so much what you say, but how you say it. Gestures, posture, and facial expressions count more than you think.

So, are you ready to try these habits? Which one do you think will be the most challenging for you? The real magic happens when you are aware of your presence and how you impact others. Who would've thought that one can go from invisible ninja to respected samurai in ten simple steps!

So go ahead, earn respect! And remember, even the smallest sushi roll can become the star of the feast. You are that sushi!

Continue reading the next article:Transform your life: small daily habit changes

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