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Incredible! Ramses II sword found in Egypt that shines after 3,000 years

Discover a sword of Ramses II in Egypt that shines after 3,000 years. An impressive finding in an ancient fortress of the Nile delta!...
20-09-2024 14:41

  1. A breath-taking discovery
  2. Ramses II: More than a Pharaoh, an Icon
  3. A glimpse into daily life at the fortress
  4. The story behind the battles

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A breath-taking discovery

Imagine unearthing a treasure that transports you to another time, to a period where pharaohs not only ruled but were also war heroes, architects of wonders, and of course, lovers of shining swords.

Recently, a group of archaeologists did just that: they found a bronze sword with the emblem of Ramses II, the pharaoh who claimed history.

Can you imagine holding a piece of Egypt's golden age in your hands? It's like Indiana Jones had a niece!

This discovery occurred at the Tell Al-Abqain fortress, an ancient outpost that, according to experts, played a crucial role in the defense of Egypt's borders.

You have to admit it's fascinating to think that over 3,000 years ago, someone decided to leave their sword in a mud hut, like leaving keys on a table. But who was the owner of this weapon? That's a mystery that archaeologists are eager to solve.

They discover how Pharaoh Ramses III was murdered

Ramses II: More than a Pharaoh, an Icon

If you've ever wondered who the most powerful pharaoh of Egypt was, the answer is clear: Ramses II, the Great. He ruled from 1279 to 1213 BC, a period that many consider the peak of Egyptian military power. This man not only made monumental architecture flourish, but he is also said to have been the pharaoh who lived during the time of Moses. Coincidence? History is full of unexpected twists.

Elizabeth Frood, an Egyptologist from Oxford, expressed that this sword reflects the status of its owner. Was he a high-ranking warrior? A noble who wanted to impress at court? What is clear is that carrying an object with Ramses II's insignia was not something just anyone could do. It was like having a sports car in a suburban neighborhood.

A glimpse into daily life at the fortress

Archaeologists also discovered intriguing details about the daily life of soldiers. They found ovens for cooking, ivory applicators for kohl (a very popular cosmetic in Egypt), and ceremonial scarabs. These elements tell us that, despite military life, there was room for art and aesthetics. Even soldiers needed to look good while defending their homeland!

The cylindrical ovens found indicate that gastronomy also had its place in the daily routine. Can you imagine a soldier cooking his dinner after a hard day of training? Perhaps some even ventured to invent a secret recipe.

The story behind the battles

The Tell Al-Abqain fortress is located on a defensive line against Libyan tribes and the feared “Sea Peoples.” These Mediterranean warriors were like the pirates from the stories we heard as children, but much more dangerous.

As more structures were excavated, the story of an Egypt struggling to maintain its territory was revealed. The inscriptions of the battles tell heroic tales that could rival any modern action movie.

The construction of this fortress and its organized layout reflect the meticulous management of ancient Egypt. Soldiers not only fought but also lived and organized themselves in a way that everyday life was in harmony with military duty. Can you imagine the discipline that required?

So, while archaeologists continue to unearth secrets from the past, we are left with the curiosity of what is to come. Each finding is another step towards understanding the rich history of a civilization that left us an impressive legacy.

And who knows! Perhaps the next sword they find will have something even more surprising to tell us.

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