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Do not hug your dogs!: it causes them stress, according to science

A recent study showed that dogs get stressed and anxious if they are hugged. I explain why and what experts recommend....
27-06-2024 11:55

  1. Do dogs feel uncomfortable with hugs?
  2. What to do then?
  3. How to know if my dog loves me?

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A recent study from the veterinary clinic Bark and Tail Behaviour Centre, led by Matilda Green, has shed new light on a very popular belief.

Green's team suggests that hugging our beloved dogs is not exactly a well-received show of affection by them.

Contrary to what we thought, furry friends show signs of stress and anxiety when we hug them lovingly.

Of course, who can blame us, we also need a hug from time to time!

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Do dogs feel uncomfortable with hugs?

Experts agree that hugging dogs is not appropriate, as intense physical contact can cause them a lot of stress. Who would have thought? It's like getting a handshake, but it was a... literal squeeze!

Have you noticed that your dog avoids eye contact, licks its lips, blinks a lot, and pants when you hug them?

These are signs of discomfort that Green's team and other researchers have observed. Maybe you were thinking your dog just wanted to share your jokes, but the reality is different.

Emma Johnson from the Happy Dogs Club, and Charlie Adams from the Happy Animals Rescue organization, agree that while hugs are natural for us, they are not for dogs.

Furthermore, Max Brown from the Woofville Canine Cognition Center warns us that hugging a dog could block their natural instinct to flee, thus increasing their stress and potentially triggering an aggressive reaction.

Do you dream about your dog? I suggest you read our article: What does it mean to dream about dogs

What to do then?

Max Brown suggests learning to identify signs of stress in our pets and finding alternative ways to express our love.

Why can dogs react badly to a human hug?

Hugs are unnatural for dogs. A dog can feel trapped when you surround it with your arms. It's like suddenly being in a surprise hug from a stranger on the subway! This feeling of immobility and the inability to escape can intensify their stress.

How to show affection to your dog?

To show affection correctly, it is essential to avoid physical restrictions. Max Brown recommends opting for gentle strokes or scratching behind the ears, something that your dog loves and doesn't make them feel trapped.

Also, did you know that interactive games and rewards are fabulous methods to strengthen the bond?

Matilda Green and her team emphasize the importance of understanding your pet's body language to provide the emotional support they truly need.

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How to know if my dog loves me?

Did you know that wagging their tail or following you around the house are signs of canine affection? When they snuggle up beside you, let out peaceful sighs, or seek your touch, they are showing you their love.

Observe your dog:

If they gaze into your eyes with a relaxed expression, get excited when they see you, or follow you around the house, congratulations, you are their favorite human!

Matilda Green points out that imitation is another sign of affection: when your dog tries to synchronize their walking pace with yours or lies down in a similar position to yours, they are seeking a close connection.

Lastly, a curiosity: does your dog get excited when they see your shoes or jacket?

If so, it's a clear display of their love. Even gentle licks are their way of saying "I love you".

Although hugs may not be the best way to express your love to your dog, there are many other effective ways to show them affection. From pets and playtime to recognizing their signs of affection, your furry friend can feel all the love without the stress of a tight hug.

So, the next time you feel tempted to wrap your dog in a hug, opt for some good belly rubs instead.

Your dog will thank you for it!

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