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The Virgo child: What you need to know about this little realist

These children are very curious and intuitive, their emotions run high and they also have a deep need for love and affection....
14-07-2022 21:44

  1. Virgo children in a nutshell:
  2. The little realist
  3. The baby
  4. The girl
  5. The child
  6. Keeping them busy at playtime

Children born between 23 August and 23 September bear the zodiac sign of Virgo.

If your baby came into the world in late August, early September, you probably won't have such a hard time. Why? Simply because these children tend to be quite calm and balanced. They don't really make a fuss over anything, maybe except food.

Virgo children in a nutshell:

1) They are surprisingly quick to make sense of the world around them;

2) Difficult times will come from their fussy and pretentious behaviour;

3) The Virgo child is full of compassion and affection for all;

4) The Virgo child has a brilliant mind and likes to keep things tidy.

A Virgo child is usually endowed with an analytical mind and efficient judgement, and always cleans up his room or any mess he makes, so you don't have to worry too much about this aspect of his upbringing.

The little realist

They tend to be quite shy and perhaps introverted at times. They are simply overcome by anxiety when it comes to socialising in large groups.

That's why they don't feel good in their own skin when it comes to inviting family over either. Too many people are simply not pleasant for this sign.

Raising a Virgo child couldn't be easier. They are quite self-sufficient and take care of themselves most of the time.

If they make mistakes, be sure not to point them out harshly, otherwise they will start to overthink and that leads nowhere pleasant. Be patient with a touch of love and you can move mountains with this Earth sign.

They can also be the embodiment of diligence, determination and honesty. If they are assigned a duty, you can be sure they will perform it. Their serenity is also something to behold.

They couldn't be more pleasant to be with, unless, by chance, they fall prey to harsh behaviour or too many negative comments. Then they really get irritated.

And that's the polite way of putting it. If they happen to have been wronged or wrongly accused, you have to teach them patience and understanding.

Otherwise, hell could be unleashed on those who treated them unjustly.

There is an innate thirst for knowledge and understanding when dealing with these children. Even if they end up getting the information, they will still ask you about it, wanting to be sure of its validity.

After all, you are their hero and your word is what they trust the most. So make sure you know the facts so you don't break your Virgo baby's trust.

Sometimes it is difficult for them to make friends. Especially close ones. When they bring someone along, make sure you don't overdo it, no matter how happy you are, otherwise they may have doubts about the friendship. They don't like drama or making a fuss over something.

Their emotions run deep and so does their need for affection and love. So you should always be prepared for a few cuddle sessions.

Because of their relatively eager nature and strong sense of humility, you may have to remind them often how great they are and to stop comparing themselves to other children. They are more than perfect just the way they are.

You really can't find things to complain about with these children. They take care of themselves, clean their room, sometimes do their own laundry and they are never late.

It's almost as if they raise themselves. The allowance you give them is never wasted and they always spend it wisely. Either that or they save it for harder times.

Yes, they think so far ahead. You should be aware by now that they will reach adulthood long before they reach 18. At least intellectually speaking.

So that they don't end up as boring adults, you have to remind them to nurture their creativity and originality as much as possible. Sometimes you have to forget the routine and relax and have fun.

The baby

This is an Earth sign, so you'll soon notice that they like to spend time outdoors in nature. There's nothing better than a warm day with a gust of fresh wind tickling their feet.

You should not expect them to cry a lot during their upbringing. There is nothing wrong with them, they just tend to be rather quiet and calm, especially for their age.

Virgo children like pragmatism and efficiency best, so you will often find that they enjoy activities that develop these traits.

Maybe buying a Lego set for them to play with is a good idea. Then they can train their organisational eye even more by building ingenious constructions.

They are quite quick to jump to conclusions when it comes to analysing others. Once this happens, it is almost impossible to change their minds.

So if there is someone they don't like, all I can say is that they are unlucky to change it.

Virgo guys tend to overindulge in the kitchen, to the point where they may get a bad tummy. So be careful in that regard.

You also have to prepare extra napkins when it is time to eat. They tend to dirty everything around them, especially if they don't like the food.

The girl

It's easy to put your trust in a Virgo girl. After all, she is one of the most responsible and diligent girls you can meet.

She is brimming with compassion and affection, which she lavishes on you quite often. Although she has a rather loose and refreshing sense of humour, she can also become quite rigid if something she used to organise is no longer in order.

Especially if it's her room. That's when you'll see her lose her composure.

Overthinking is often a habit of his. But it can actually be useful, as it stops you from making rash decisions.

His analytical and efficient mind is able to make sense of all the options and choose what is best for him.

The moment he makes a decision, you can be sure that he will carry it out with the utmost diligence and determination.

The child

Virgo guys are very compassionate and kind. Unfortunately, they end up boasting the best, and when the truth is different, disappointment hits hard. There is nothing you can do about it. It's just the way they are.

You'll soon realise that your child not only knows how to keep things tidy and clean, but that he or she is the one who organises everything in the room, and it's simply magnificent.

You no longer have to worry about any mess, because there won't be any to begin with! This also extends to problems around the house. If there is ever a heated argument, he will be right there offering ways to resolve it.

His mind is nothing if not brilliant. Perhaps too much for its own good. He tends to rely too much on logic and reason.

While it's easy to see how that can be a good thing, it also means he might neglect his imagination. So make sure his intellect isn't the only thing he develops. Cultivate his creativity too.

In addition, Virgo has endowed you with an excellent memory, capable of remembering events even before you can speak.

Keeping them busy at playtime

There are few things these children enjoy more than being of help to someone. Especially if it's mum or dad.

Keeping them entertained is as easy as turning homework and chores into fun games. Add a little creativity and a touch of science fiction and they'll be jumping into the fray to help.

They tend to get along better with children older than themselves or with adults. When they play with children their own age, they may feel the urge to become arrogant, which you definitely don't want.

The best solution? Expose them to the issue more often, but only after carefully explaining how to be kinder, gentler and more understanding and why this is the best option.

Creation is one of their talents. So it is essential to get them toys that allow them to build or create shapes to further develop this skill of theirs.

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Today's horoscope: Virgo

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