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Lost dogs: how do they manage to navigate and return to their homes?

Lost Dogs: Masters of the Return. Surprisingly, some find their way home after traveling miles. Science remains intrigued....
24-02-2025 13:18

  1. The Sherlock Holmes of the canine world: surprising stories
  2. The sense of smell: a canine superpower
  3. Magnetoreception in dogs? Yes, you heard that right!
  4. The return of the exploring dog: is it a phenomenon in extinction?

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The Sherlock Holmes of the canine world: surprising stories

Oh, losing a pet! It's a drama worthy of a soap opera. However, some stories end with happier endings than fairy tales. Imagine Fido, the lost dog, turning into a true canine detective, finding his way home after traveling miles and miles.

It's as if they have an internal GPS! And I'm not talking about a phone app, but a GPS from nature.

Let's take the example of Georgia May, a puppy who in 2015 decided to take an impromptu vacation in San Diego, California. After 56 kilometers and probably a couple of adventures worthy of an exploring dog, Georgia found her way back. Or Laser, a hound who in 2010 returned to Winnipeg after six weeks and 80 kilometers away. And what about Bobbie, the collie who in 1924 traveled 4500 kilometers to return home. How do they do it? Do they have a secret map?

The sense of smell: a canine superpower

One of the most intriguing theories is that our four-legged friends possess such an acute sense of smell that it would make any superhero blush. Dogs can follow scent trails with a precision that would embarrass any human. Imagine this: their sense of smell is between 10,000 and 100,000 times more precise than ours. It’s like they can smell a pizza miles away!

Bridget Schoville, an animal behavior expert, explains that dogs do not solely rely on their noses. They also observe visual and auditory signals to recognize familiar landmarks. That's right, dear readers, while we rely on Google Maps, they navigate using a cocktail of scents and sounds.

Magnetoreception in dogs? Yes, you heard that right!

Now, get ready for a theory that might leave you speechless. Some researchers suggest that dogs may be using the Earth's magnetic field to navigate.

A study in the Czech Republic, conducted with 27 hunting dogs, revealed that a good number of these canines engaged in a sort of "compass run" before orienting themselves. Hynek Burda, co-author of the study, suggests that this could be how dogs calibrate their position.

There is still no conclusive evidence, but we cannot rule out the possibility that Lassie also has a little internal compass.

The return of the exploring dog: is it a phenomenon in extinction?

Although these stories are exciting, in the modern era, the adventures of lost dogs are becoming less common. Many owners prevent their pets from becoming canine Marco Polos. As Monique Udell says, dogs raised with humans develop strong bonds, much like a child with their parents, which reduces the need for these epic journeys home.

Despite their skills, it is best that our furry friends do not have to put them to the test. Zazie Todd recommends methods such as an identification collar or microchip. And you, how do you take care of your furry friend? Are you ready to prevent Fido from becoming the next Indiana Jones of pets?

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