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Weekly Horoscope: Discover the Energies from October 7 to 13, 2024

Discover how an astrological event influences your week. Take advantage of the energy from the heavens and make the most of your horoscope. Don't miss it!...
07-10-2024 14:49

Welcome to the most intense week of October! Hold on tight because the universe has unexpected plans for us. Ready for a journey to the depths of the soul?

On October 13, Mercury dives into Scorpio. And if you thought it was just another day on the calendar, think again.

Scorpio, that water sign that seems to have a master's degree in complexities, invites us to explore the deep and the hidden. Superficiality is not its style, and when Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, joins the Scorpionic party, things get interesting. And not always in a smooth way!

Imagine that communication becomes a game of shadows.

Words can be sharp, sometimes more than a chef's knife. Are you up for the challenge? Sarcasm becomes the king of conversation. So, if you decide to speak up, be careful! You wouldn't want to hurt someone unintentionally. And what about those secrets you've been keeping? Scorpio has a special talent for bringing them to light!

But that's not all. Venus settled into Scorpio a few days ago and, like a good host, has only intensified the atmosphere. Romantic relationships are heating up. Who doesn't want a little passion and mystery in their connections?

Sexuality becomes the central theme. Get ready for those butterflies in your stomach to multiply!

Now let's move on to the astrological keys of this week. On October 7, the moon in Sagittarius gives us a boost of optimism. Perfect for starting the week on a good vibe! On the 8th, Mercury forms a trine with Jupiter. Eureka! Ideas flow, and communication becomes expansive. Take advantage of this to share your thoughts; that project you had in mind might take shape.

On October 9, Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini. It's time to look back. Ask yourself: what beliefs have limited me? Dust off those family mandates you thought you had overcome. The next day, the moon settles in Capricorn, perfect for planning. Make a list, draw a map, whatever works! Organization will be your best ally.

On the 11th, the moon enters Aquarius, bringing a fresh air of freedom. You feel you can be yourself without constraints. How liberating! But be careful, on the 12th, Pluto goes direct in Capricorn. Those issues you thought were resolved come to the surface. It's a good time to reflect on what truly matters. Does that sound familiar?

And finally, we arrive at October 13, the big day. Mercury enters Scorpio. Communication becomes intense. Deep. Complex. Take a breath before you speak. Reflect. Don't let sarcasm lead you down a path of no return.

So, friends, get ready to dive into an ocean of emotions. Remember, life is a journey and each week has its own story. This week, the story takes us to the darkest and most fascinating corners of our existence. Ready to navigate? Let's do it!

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