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Historic Record: Global Temperature Never Recorded

New European satellite data reveals that the average global temperature reached 17.15°C, surpassing the historical record set on Sunday. Amazing!...
24-07-2024 19:31

  1. The heat is here to stay!
  2. Climate change and us without a jacket?
  3. Are we in an oven at 350 degrees?
  4. The hot future that awaits us

The heat is here to stay!

Do you remember the last summer when you complained about the heat? Well, get ready for a new level of complaints. Last Monday marked the hottest day in modern history on the planet. The global average temperature reached 17.15 degrees Celsius, surpassing the record set on Sunday. Can you imagine how hot that feels on an August afternoon? It's like the sun decided to have a barbecue on Earth!

Satellite data from the European climate change service Copernicus left us speechless with this revelation. Compared to the previous record of July 3, 2023, this new milestone is 0.06 degrees Celsius warmer. Does that seem small to you? In the world of climate, every tenth counts. And here we are, in a temperature game that becomes more exciting every day!

Climate change and us without a jacket?

Scientists agree that this temperature increase is largely a consequence of human-induced climate change. But wait! It's not that simple. Dr. Michael Mann from the University of Pennsylvania points out that drawing definitive conclusions is complicated. Tree rings and ice cores are like the cards in a guessing game. How many times have you tried to guess the flavor of a candy just by its wrapper? Exactly!

However, what is clear is that the trend is concerning. The record temperatures of recent years have been the highest in approximately 120,000 years. So if you thought that beach vacations are a good idea, you better bring your umbrella and plenty of water. The weather doesn’t forgive!

Are we in an oven at 350 degrees?

Roxy Mathew Koll, an expert from the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, emphasizes that we are living in a time when climate records exceed our levels of tolerance. If we don't do something soon, the losses could be devastating. Have you ever left a pizza in the oven for too long? Well, we are in the same situation, but here the pizza is our planet and the oven is global warming.

COP 15 in Paris set the goal of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius since the pre-industrial era. But, according to experts, this goal is becoming increasingly distant. Christiana Figueres, former head of UN climate negotiations, warns that we will all fry if we don't change course. Can you imagine a world without shade? Horror!

The hot future that awaits us

As if that weren't enough, the director of Copernicus, Carlo Bountempo, points out that we are entering "truly unexplored territory." Each new temperature record is a sign that global warming is hitting hard. The temperature jump from 2016 to 2023/2024 is approximately 0.3 °C. That’s like a grade increase in school, but instead of improving, we are rising in heat!

So, what can we do? The answer is not simple, but we can all contribute. From reducing car use to opting for renewable energy sources. Remember that every small change counts, and maybe, someday, we can tell stories about hot days without having a climate heart attack. Are you ready to do your part? The future depends on us!

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