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COVID: 7 million deaths in 5 years

Five years of COVID! WHO reveals 7 million deaths and 776 million cases. Keep your vaccines up to date!...
27-12-2024 10:29

  1. The report that shakes the world: figures and lessons from COVID-19
  2. Lessons from an invisible enemy: the importance of vaccination
  3. Persistent COVID-19 and Other Challenges
  4. Keeping the guard up: the future of the pandemic

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The report that shakes the world: figures and lessons from COVID-19

Five years of COVID-19 and we are still counting! The World Health Organization (WHO) released an extensive report that left us speechless. As of November 2024, the world has recorded a staggering 776 million cases across 234 countries. And the deaths? More than 7 million. A number that is frightening! However, it is also an opportunity to understand the magnitude of what we have experienced.

It all began in Wuhan, China, back in December 2019. The WHO received the first alert of a new coronavirus that brought with it viral pneumonia. You know how the story goes: SARS-CoV-2 became the uninvited protagonist of our lives. But, what have we learned from these years of pandemic?

COVID vaccines protect the heart

Lessons from an invisible enemy: the importance of vaccination

Durante los primeros años, 2020 a 2022, el COVID-19 golpeó fuerte. Sin vacunas, la humanidad luchó con escasa inmunidad. Sin embargo, como en toda buena historia, hubo un giro. La vacunación masiva comenzó a marcar la diferencia, reduciendo las muertes y permitiendo que los sistemas de salud respondieran con más eficacia. Hasta el final de 2023, el 67% de la población mundial había completado su esquema de vacunación. Y aunque el 32% recibió un refuerzo, el acceso sigue siendo desigual. Solo el 5% en países de bajos ingresos ha podido acceder a dosis adicionales. ¡Increíble pero cierto!

La OMS ahora apuesta por una vacunación anual para mantener a raya al virus. ¿Qué opinas? ¿Te sumas al equipo de la vacuna anual?

Cómo enfrentarse a las crisis que derriban nuestro mundo

Persistent COVID-19 and Other Challenges

Although hospitalizations have decreased, COVID-19 is not going away easily! The condition known as long COVID affects 6% of symptomatic infections. Most cases arise after mild infections. Additionally, 29% of hospitalized patients developed pneumonia, and the overall lethality reached 8.2%. Fortunately, vaccines have significantly reduced these risks.

Did you know that among children, in rare cases, COVID-19 can trigger a severe inflammatory syndrome? Vigilance is key!

Keeping the guard up: the future of the pandemic

With fewer tests, the WHO acknowledges that tracking COVID-19 becomes complicated. However, current projections indicate that only 3% of cases require hospitalization. A great improvement! Mass immunization, virus mutations, and advanced treatments have changed the landscape.

Despite the difficulties, the WHO has developed treatment recommendations to prevent severe complications such as respiratory failure and damage to vital organs. The key is to quickly identify at-risk patients.

Are we ready for the future? The pandemic has taught us that we cannot let our guard down. What other lessons can we learn from this experience?

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