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Revolutionary therapy for hormonal deficiency: the case of Messi

Discover the innovative diagnosis of Leo Messi at 19 years old and the new therapy that could revolutionize the treatment of somatropin deficiency....
05-08-2024 15:16

  1. Introduction to Growth Hormone Deficiency
  2. The Innovation: Somatrogon
  3. Benefits of Weekly Application
  4. Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction to Growth Hormone Deficiency

Globally, about one in every four thousand children presents with short stature as a result of a deficiency in growth hormone, known as somatropin.

This hormone, produced in the pituitary gland, is essential for the normal growth and development of children.

The causes of this deficiency can vary, including idiopathic factors, genetic alterations, tumors, infections, or traumas that affect the central nervous system.

The traditional treatment for this condition has been the daily application of a recombinant growth hormone, which can be uncomfortable and difficult to adhere to in the long term.

The Innovation: Somatrogon

Recently, the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) in Argentina approved the use of somatrogon, a new therapeutic alternative that allows for a weekly application instead of daily.

This innovative therapy has been well received in several countries, including the United States and members of the European Union, and has proven to be equally effective as conventional somatropin in terms of annualized growth rate.

Dr. Marta Ciaccio, head of the Endocrinology Service at the National Pediatric Hospital, explains that somatrogon is a modified growth hormone molecule that binds to growth hormone receptors, triggering actions similar to the natural hormone.

Benefits of Weekly Application

The main advantage of somatrogon lies in the reduction of treatment burden. With a regimen of only one injection per week, it is expected that treatment adherence will improve significantly.

Dr. Analía Morín, head of Endocrinology at the "Sor María Ludovica" Children's Hospital, emphasizes that this decrease in injection frequency can result in a better overall experience for patients and their families.

A study in New Zealand revealed that children with a high degree of adherence to their daily treatment showed a better growth rate, highlighting the importance of therapeutic adherence.

Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment

The diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency is a complex process that must be carried out by a pediatric endocrinologist.

This diagnosis is based on the observation of growth and the evaluation of growth curves in children.

Early intervention is crucial to minimize both the physical and emotional impact of the condition. If left untreated, children may face not only short stature in childhood but also metabolic disorders and psychological problems associated with the social perception of short stature.

With the arrival of somatrogon, it is expected that more children will be able to receive the appropriate treatment at the right time, thus improving their quality of life and overall development.

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