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Lemon verbena tea: relieves stress and aids digestion

Hey, tea lover! Today I bring you the freshest gossip from the world of herbs: lemon verbena tea, also known as cedron....
17-06-2024 14:37

  1. A Flavor that Leaves You in a Good Mood
  2. The Benefits of Lemon Verbena Tea
  3. Aha! But How Do I Prepare It?

Hey, tea lover! Today I bring you the freshest news from the world of herbs: lemon verbena tea. It is a well-kept secret from South America that has started to make its way around the world.

If you didn't know about it, now is your time to shine at the next gathering with your friends. Let's break down everything you need to know about this wonder of nature.

Before telling you about the benefits of lemon verbena tea, if you are facing moments of stress or anxiety in your life, I suggest reading:

Methods for stress relief in modern life

A Flavor that Leaves You in a Good Mood

Imagine this: a citrusy, smooth, and refreshing flavor that envelops you like a summer hug. This is exactly what lemon verbena tea offers. Ideal for breaking away from the routine of conventional drinks, this infusion not only delights your palate but also carries with it a long medicinal tradition.

And what about its History?

Since time immemorial, different peoples in South America have used it to solve a myriad of ailments. From grandmothers to grandchildren, lemon verbena has been the quintessential home remedy, whether for digestive problems or simply to relax after a busy day.

Health in a Cup

The trend of living a healthier and more natural lifestyle has brought lemon verbena tea back into the spotlight. And it's not for nothing. In a world full of stress and digestive discomfort, finding a solution in nature is a true discovery.

Meanwhile, I suggest you read: Lower your cholesterol with this infusion

The Benefits of Lemon Verbena Tea

- Digestion on Point: If you are one of those who can't bend over in pain from bloating or gas after eating, this infusion is your new best friend. Thanks to its carminative and digestive properties, it says goodbye to those discomforts.

- Natural Anti-Stress: We live running, don't we? Well, this tea has calming properties that help relax the nervous system, improving the quality of sleep and reducing stress and anxiety.

- Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory: Protecting your cells from oxidative damage and inflammation has never been so delicious.

Schedule to read: How to prepare delicious Vietnamese iced coffee

Aha! But How Do I Prepare It?

Don't worry, this is not a quantum physics class. Making lemon verbena tea is a walk in the park:

1. Ingredients and Utensils: You'll need lemon verbena leaves (one tablespoon of dried leaves or two tablespoons of fresh leaves per cup) and water.

2. Boil the Water: Heat the necessary amount of water until it boils.

3. Place the Leaves: Put them in the cup or teapot.

4. Pour the Hot Water: Carefully, of course.

5. Let it Steep: This is where the magic happens, about 5 to 10 minutes of infusion.

6. Strain and Serve: We're almost there. Just strain the infusion and serve it.

7. Enjoy: Just like that, now just savor it. You can sweeten it with some honey or sugar to your liking.

Now then, not everything is a bed of roses, my people. Lemon verbena tea is not for everyone. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should abstain.

Also, those with low blood pressure or allergies to the verbena plant family should think twice and consult their doctor before joining this lemon verbena fever.

So there you have it. Lemon verbena tea is more than just an infusion, it's a wellness experience!

The next time someone talks to you about natural remedies, you'll be ready to pull this ace out of your sleeve and surprise with your wisdom. What are you waiting for to try it?

I suggest you keep reading:

How to overcome anxiety: 10 practical tips

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