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How to prepare delicious Vietnamese iced coffee: step by step

Cold brew coffee preparation allows you to obtain a drink that highlights the smoothest and sweetest aspects of coffee, minimizing the stronger and bitter components....
10-05-2024 14:37

  1. Cold brew Vietnamese coffee preparation process details
  2. Accessories and ingredients necessary for Vietnamese iced coffee
  3. Step-by-step procedure for preparing Vietnamese cold brew coffee:
  4. Cold Brew Vietnamese Coffee Preparation Summary

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The classic way of preparing coffee in Vietnam involves serving it hot and then over ice. However, a new trend combines this tradition with modern cold brewing techniques. Here's how to do it.

Cold brewing coffee allows you to obtain a drink that highlights the smoothest and sweetest flavors of coffee, minimizing the stronger and bitter components.

The resulting coffee is refreshing, smooth, and very caffeinated.

Although this method requires patience —as you need to allow the coffee to brew for approximately 24 hours—, the result is a drink with a spectacular flavor.

Here I show you how easy it is to prepare coffee in the Vietnamese style using cold brewing.

Cold brew Vietnamese coffee preparation process details

Rest time: between 12 and 24 hours.

Coffee to water ratio: 1 part coffee to 4 parts water.

Grind size: Coarse.

Water temperature: Cold or room temperature.

Recommended coffee: HaNoi or SaiGon OG coffee (not easily found everywhere: try going to Chinatown, if there is one in your city)

Accessories and ingredients necessary for Vietnamese iced coffee

To make Vietnamese cold brew coffee you will need:

Cold or room temperature water: essential for soaking the ground coffee and extracting its flavors optimally, avoiding the typical bitterness and acidity of hot water.

Coarsely ground Vietnamese coffee: aim for a texture similar to coarse sea salt for best results.

A cold brew device, such as a pitcher, large jar, or French press, adapting to what you have available.

A spoon or spatula: useful for properly mixing the coffee and water to achieve an even extraction.

A fine mesh filter or a piece of cheesecloth: necessary for straining the coffee concentrate from the grounds after soaking.

Sweetened condensed milk: provides traditional sweetness and creamy texture to Vietnamese coffee.

Refrigerator: to store the concentrated infusion and maintain its flavor and freshness before serving.

Ice cubes (optional): to cool the drink at the moment of serving.

Step-by-step procedure for preparing Vietnamese cold brew coffee:

Step 1: Measure the coffee

Use a ratio of four parts water to one part coffee. Determine the capacity of your container and divide by four to know how much coffee you need.

Step 2: Combine coffee with water

Add the measured water and coffee grounds to a container. Make sure to mix well.

Step 3: Let it steep

Lack of heat makes extraction slower, so let the mixture steep for at least overnight, although 24 hours would be ideal.

Store the mixture in the refrigerator and cover it.

Step 4: Filter the coffee concentrate

After the steeping period, remove the concentrate from the refrigerator. Filter using your preferred method, making sure to strain out the grounds well.

Step 5: Serve

Put ice in a glass, pour approximately 4 ounces or 120 ml of the coffee concentrate, and add 2 ounces or 60 ml of condensed milk. Mix well and enjoy your refreshing Vietnamese cold brew coffee.

Cold Brew Vietnamese Coffee Preparation Summary

Instructions for preparing Vietnamese cold brew coffee, summarized version:

To enjoy Vietnamese cold brew coffee, a special preparation combining freshness with tradition is required. The following are the steps to achieve it:

1. Mix coarse ground coffee beans with cold or room temperature water in a ratio of 1 part coffee to 4 parts water.

2. Let the mixture steep for a minimum of 12 hours, although it's best to let it steep for 24 hours for the best flavor.

3. After the steeping time, strain the coffee concentrate to separate the grounds from the liquid.

4. In a glass with ice, pour the freshly made coffee concentrate and add condensed milk to taste.

5. Stir with a spoon and it will be ready to be enjoyed.

Enjoy this delicious cold drink!

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