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Habits that seem good, but are not

"It's not always worth being so kind, here we show you habits that you probably have and that are not so good."...
Author: Alegsa

  1. 15 apparently good habits
  2. 30 habits that seem good, but aren't

15 apparently good habits

In the constant quest to improve our lives, we often adopt habits that, at first glance, seem beneficial. However, what if some of these behaviors turn out to have counterproductive effects?

To delve deeper into this topic, we spoke with Dr. Alejandro Mendoza, a clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience.

"Many times," Dr. Mendoza begins, "what seems healthy or productive in the short term can lead to negative outcomes in the long term." Here we gather some of the most relevant insights shared by the professional.

1. Perfectionism: While aiming for excellence is commendable, Dr. Mendoza warns: "Extreme perfectionism can lead to anxiety and never feeling satisfied with oneself."

2. Regularly working extra hours: While it shows commitment, "this can lead to exhaustion and negatively affect our mental and physical health," he points out.

3. Waking up very early to be more productive: "Waking up extremely early can disrupt our natural sleep cycles and may not necessarily translate into greater productivity," he indicates.

4. Avoiding all kinds of fats in the diet: The expert highlights that "healthy fats are essential for our body; avoiding them completely can have a negative impact on our health."

5. Exercising every day without rest: "Overtraining can lead to injuries and chronic fatigue. Rest is as important as the exercise itself," he emphasizes.

6. Constantly reading news to stay informed: This may seem responsible, but according to Mendoza, "information overload can increase stress and anxiety levels."

7. Checking emails outside of work hours: While it may seem like dedication, "this blurs the boundaries between work and personal life, affecting our rest time," he explains.

8. Cleaning and organizing obsessively: "While a clean environment is desirable, when it becomes an obsession, it can be a symptom of anxiety," he warns.

9. Excessively saving by avoiding personal expenses: The doctor points out that "while frugality is good, constantly depriving oneself can reduce our quality of life."

10. Not taking vacations due to work dedication: "This not only affects your mental and physical well-being but also your long-term creativity and productivity," Mendoza mentions.

11. Always saying yes to avoid disappointing others: "Setting boundaries is crucial for our well-being; we cannot please everyone all the time," he states.

12. Always prioritizing others' needs over one's own: According to him, "this can lead to resentment and emotional exhaustion."

13. Using apps to track every aspect of your life: "The obsession with quantification can take us away from truly enjoying activities."

14. Practicing intermittent fasting without professional guidance: "Every body is different; what works for one person could be harmful to another," he warns.

This thoughtful approach by Dr. Mendoza invites us to reflect on how to balance our daily habits, always seeking a healthy middle ground both physically and mentally.

30 habits that seem good, but aren't

I leave you as an extra bonus these 30 habits, according to Ask Reddit, that help you understand that it's not always necessary to be so kind.

1. Sometimes, a person holds the door for you when you are still far away, causing you to either run or make them wait ten seconds longer, making them look foolish.

2. If you sense someone is upset about something specific but tells you it's fine, then you should let it go.

I understand your intentions are good, but insisting on someone telling you what's wrong when there's actually nothing wrong is a sure way to create an uncomfortable situation.

3. Excessive modesty can also be a problem.

The correct response to a compliment or congratulations is simply to say "thank you."

Saying things like "no, it's nothing" or "it's not that good" makes the person congratulating you feel bad and makes people who haven't achieved what you have feel bad about themselves.

Nobody wants to be boastful, but there's a level of excessive modesty that can give the impression of being arrogant and superior to one's own and others' achievements.

Accept compliments and don't dismiss them.

4. Unsolicited advice on mental health conditions or chronic illnesses can be annoying.

I appreciate your intention to help, but please, unless I ask for it, I'd prefer not to talk about it, as it takes up a big part of my life.

I've tried yoga, water, vitamins, and exercise, trust me.

5. Asking someone to bless you after the 4th or 5th sneeze and then continuing the conversation.

If that person keeps sneezing, there's no need to keep count up to the 12th or any other number of sneezes.

6. When an older man curses and then apologizes while looking at you as if you've never heard a swear word in your entire life.

I usually tell them not to worry about it.

7. When someone uses your name too frequently while talking to you.

I know my name, buddy.

8. Passing the phone to someone else.

In my family, this happens all the time.

I call my aunt to talk and she hands the phone to my cousin to say "hello."

My cousin from the other family does it too.

If I wanted to talk to that person, I would have called them directly.

9. People who constantly insist on saying "Keep a positive attitude, stop thinking negatively!" or those who are overly optimistic make me feel bewildered as if they are too "encouraging" - they just show they are insincere about what the other person is feeling, apathetic, ignorant, unrealistic, or a combination of all of the above.

Not saying the opposite is better (I also dislike overly pessimistic people), but pretending problems don't exist is not a realistic way to deal with them.

10. Saying "hello" only to women considered attractive and calling it politeness.

11. People who pressure you to eat and drink during visits, to the point where they get offended if you say you don't want to.

12. I don't like it when people bring me food without consulting me first.

I appreciate their good intentions, but I would prefer they didn't do it.

13. Trying to organize social activities for someone moving to a new city.

"Oh, you're moving to Bumblefuck? I know a hairdresser who lives around there, I can put you in touch with him!"

Please refrain from doing that.

14. Forcing your help onto someone, for example, by saying "here, let me help you with that box" and taking it without waiting for a response.

15. Telling women they look better without makeup.

I don't usually wear makeup just because I feel ugly, but because the process is very relaxing for me and I enjoy enhancing my natural features.

Also, I don't like being told how much makeup I should use or being told I "use too much."

You don't see me pointing out things I don't like about your appearance and giving you compliments about it.

16. Continuously asking "are you okay?".

17. This is a very specific detail, but what bothers me the most is when I'm asked something and then after my answer they ask me "are you sure?" due to a childhood trauma that made me feel very stressed when making decisions, to the point of crying at times.

For that reason, I'm now someone who makes quick decisions and sticks to them.

I understand that most people ask this out of politeness and to make sure I'm satisfied with my choice. I know, it sounds strange, but I can't help feeling uncomfortable every time I hear it.

Just because other people want to eat pizza or Chinese food every Friday doesn't mean I do too.

Due to my childhood trauma, I always know exactly what I want and I'm not willing to compromise on it.

At this point, I think I've developed a trait of my personality that can be considered a flaw.

18. It's uncomfortable when someone offers to pay for you and keeps insisting, even after you've politely declined.

19. Moments like these lead us to reflect and elevate our prayer to find the best solution.

20. Gently touching someone's shoulder can show support and be a friendly gesture.

21. It's understandable that employees seek to provide good service, but when the follow-up becomes excessive, it can be uncomfortable.

22. Receiving compliments can be flattering, however, it's also important to remember the limit and avoid crossing into excess that may make the other person uncomfortable.

23. Some people constantly tell you: "Smile!" and this can be quite annoying, as everyone has their own way of expressing their emotions and it's not necessary to be smiling all the time.

24. When someone notices you're upset and asks what's wrong in public in front of other people can be uncomfortable and inappropriate.

I understand they're trying to be helpful, but it's preferable that they approach me in private so we can discuss the issue without exposing my discomfort to everyone.

25. If you're going through an acne phase and someone tells you it will improve just by drinking more water, it can be frustrating, as there may be other factors contributing to the problem.

26. If you share a snack or any food with someone, it's usually assumed you should do the "no, you have it" dance on the last bite.

However, if someone tells me to eat it, I will and I don't want to feel discomfort from others.

27. It's important to have an opinion and make decisions, as this helps us move forward in life and achieve our goals.

28. When parents insist that their children give you a hug, even if you know them well, it can be uncomfortable for them.

We should respect their choice and not force them to do something they don't want to do.

29. Giving a pet as a gift can be a bad decision, as the person may not be ready to take care of a pet and this can lead to neglect.

30. Greeting someone in traffic when they have the right of way is not appropriate.

We should be responsible when driving and follow traffic rules to avoid accidents and conflicts.

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