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30 Years After the Fall of 'El Chacal': The Incredible Operation that Captured the Terrorist

30 years after the capture of 'El Chacal', Illich Ramírez Sánchez, the most wanted terrorist, was arrested in Sudan and sentenced to life in prison in France. Discover how the operation unfolded....
15-08-2024 13:50

  1. The Capture of Ilich Ramírez Sánchez
  2. The Details of the Operation
  3. The Consequences of His Capture
  4. The Life in Prison of Carlos

The Capture of Ilich Ramírez Sánchez

The news was hard to believe, as it seemed impossible that it would ever happen. On the afternoon of August 15, 1994, French Interior Minister Charles Pasqua announced in Paris the arrest of Venezuelan Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, globally known as “Carlos” or “El Chacal,” at that time the most wanted international terrorist on the planet.

He was accused of dozens of attacks and hundreds of deaths, committed over a span of almost two decades, and had been pursued – without success until then – by the intelligence services of the United States, Israel, and several European countries.

The operation that led to his capture was meticulously planned and executed, although shrouded in mystery and controversy. Pasqua thanked the Sudanese government, led by General Omar el Bechir, for its cooperation, although the press speculated about a shadowy agreement.

The capture was not an official act, but rather took place under irregular circumstances, which raised questions about the transparency of the operation.

The Details of the Operation

Ilich Ramírez Sánchez had entered Sudan in early 1993 with a false passport identifying him as a Syrian citizen. Despite his undercover identity, the Sudanese authorities provided him protection, suggesting some level of complicity. However, the situation changed when, in August 1994, he received medical attention at a military hospital due to a health issue. It was during his recovery that the operation took place.

According to his lawyers' version, Carlos was sedated and deceitfully transported to an empty house, where he was captured by a group of hooded men. Subsequently, he was taken to the airport and confined in a bag before being placed on a French military plane that took off for Paris. This operation, which combined deception and swift execution, resembles an action movie, although it was set against the complexities of international terrorism and the geopolitical politics of the time.

The Consequences of His Capture

The arrest of Carlos had a significant impact on the fight against terrorism in Europe. Following his capture, France initiated a series of trials that led to him being sentenced to life imprisonment.

The attacks he had perpetrated over the years left a trail of pain and suffering, and his capture was seen as a triumph of the French security forces.

However, the controversy surrounding his detention and the conditions of his capture generated debate about the methods used in the fight against terrorism.

Some critics argued that the end does not justify the means, while others defended the need to act firmly in the face of the threat posed by Carlos.

The Life in Prison of Carlos

Since his capture, Ilich Ramírez Sánchez has been incarcerated in various French prisons, serving sentences for different acts of terrorism.

As the years go by, his figure has become a symbol of international terrorism, and his story has been the subject of analysis and debate in numerous books and documentaries.

At nearly 75 years old, he is in good health, but faces a life behind bars with no hope of freedom.

Carlos has acknowledged participating in operations that resulted in the death of innocents, adding a layer of complexity to his figure, straddling the line between terrorist and historical figure.

His life and capture are remembered as a dark chapter in the history of terrorism, marking a before and after in the way these threats are confronted on a global level.

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