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The Explosion of Pope Pius XII's Corpse: The Incredible Story

Discover the intriguing story of the explosion of Pope Pius XII's corpse, the result of a failed embalming in 1958. A Vatican secret revealed!...
20-08-2024 18:53

  1. The Turbulent Funeral of Pius XII
  2. The Controversial Decision of the Personal Doctor
  3. The Chaos During the Transfer
  4. The Consequences of Failure

The Turbulent Funeral of Pius XII

On October 9, 1958, the body of Pope Pius XII was displayed for the veneration of the people and the Papal Court in the throne room of the Castelgandolfo palace.

However, despite the solemnity of the event, the Pope could not rest in peace due to the decisions made regarding his embalming.

Eugenio María Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli, known as Pius XII, had been an influential figure in the Catholic Church, but his funeral would turn into a fiasco due to an inadequate preservation procedure.

The Controversial Decision of the Personal Doctor

The Pope's personal physician, Riccardo Galeazzi-Lisi, had developed a revolutionary corpse preservation procedure, according to him.

Before the death of Pius XII, Galeazzi showed the Pope photographs of his treatment on a body from a traffic accident, which impressed Pius XII.

However, after the Pope's death, Galeazzi insisted on embalming him using his technique, which involved submerging the corpse in a mixture of aromatic herbs and wrapping it in layers of cellophane, ignoring the basic principles of preservation at low temperatures.

The Chaos During the Transfer

The embalming turned out to be disastrous. A few hours after death, the Pope's body began to swell and emit foul odors, causing some honor guards to faint.

During the transport of the body to Rome, strange noises were heard coming from the coffin, which turned out to be the Pope's chest exploding.

The situation became critical, and the forensic doctors who were summoned did not know how to handle the damage that had already occurred.

The Consequences of Failure

Due to the state of the body, St. Peter's Basilica had to be closed for further interventions.

Finally, the body was tied with silk strips to be placed in the coffin, allowing Pius XII to finally rest in peace, though not without leaving a horrifying impression on those attending his funeral.

As a result of this fiasco, Galeazzi-Lisi was dismissed from the College of Cardinals and exiled from the Vatican for life. His story serves as a reminder that even in the most solemn moments, a lack of professionalism can lead to unusual and unacceptable situations.

This tragic episode in the history of the Catholic Church demonstrates that being Pope does not always guarantee a peaceful funeral and highlights the importance of adhering to proper practices in the care of bodies, especially of such emblematic figures.

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