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Third World War, experts analyze if we are close to war

Third World War in 2024? Discover what experts think about the growing global violence and current conflicts. Get informed here!...
20-08-2024 19:27

  1. Are We on the Brink of a Third World War?
  2. The communicational revolution in war
  3. A bipolar world and its consequences?
  4. An uncertain future: conflict or management?

Are We on the Brink of a Third World War?

The current geopolitical situation seems straight out of an action movie, but not one where the hero always wins. Instead, we are in a scenario where conflicts and tensions are growing like weeds in an unkempt garden.

The war in Ukraine is intertwined with tensions in Gaza, while other points on the planet are also ablaze.

Have you ever wondered if there is a limit to chaos? That is precisely what the experts convened by DEF are trying to answer.

Andrei Serbin Pont, who knows what he's talking about, warns us that the definition of Third World War is more complex than it seems. Conventional conflicts are on the rise, with an interconnection that could lead us to a point of no return.

Think about it! An attack in Gaza, a conflict in the Indo-Pacific, and another in Africa. It's a puzzle of tensions that keeps growing!

The communicational revolution in war

But we are not only talking about weapons and soldiers, but about how war has transformed into a kind of media spectacle.

Serbin Pont mentions the communicational revolution that has changed the rules of the game. Now, drones not only launch missiles; they are also the protagonists of videos that go viral.

Can you imagine watching a "movie" of an attack while having a coffee? It's brutal, but that's what we are experiencing!

And, to make matters worse, the impact of nuclear weapons is still present. The line that should not be crossed among nuclear powers is clear. As Fabián Calle says, the Third World War could be with nuclear weapons, and the fourth... with sticks!

So, unless someone wants to play chicken with humanity, it seems there is an interest in avoiding disaster.

A bipolar world and its consequences?

Calle also reminds us of an important point: the world is no longer unipolar. Since 2016, China has stopped being that discreet player and has started to make noise. Can you imagine two great powers playing chess, where every move counts?

That is what we are witnessing. Bipolarity can be a moderator, but it can also be a dangerous game.

In this modern "chicken game," the powers do not want to collide, but the risk of a nuclear conflict is always there. History teaches us that pride and honor sometimes lead to fatal decisions. Who wants to be the chicken in this game?

An uncertain future: conflict or management?

Finally, Leandro Ocón offers us a more optimistic outlook by saying that, although the world faces tensions, there is also a management of conflict.

The wars of the past were devastating, but today, with a globally interconnected economy, a high-intensity conflict between great powers could be quite inconvenient. Isn't it curious how the economy can act as a brake amid chaos?

Leandro Ocón suggests that what we are witnessing is more of a theory of violence than a traditional war. Instead of a conventional conflict between two uniformed armies, we are facing a more complex scenario.

The future looks more like a game of Go rather than chess. Instead of waiting for a checkmate, we are in a game of unknowns and tensions.

So, are we on the brink of a Third World War? The answer varies depending on whom you ask. But what is clear is that the geopolitical landscape is more uncertain than ever.

And you, what do you think? Are we one step away from the abyss or is there hope on the horizon?

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